Page 28 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 28
Generally speaking, companies believe that 总体而言,企业认为中国市场拥有较高投资
China enjoys a high return on investment 回报率,76%的受访企业表示在华总体投
(ROI). 76% of the participating companies 资回报率为正值。49%的受访企业认为相比全球总体
report that their overall ROI in China is positive. 投资回报率,其在华总体投资回报率更高。
Compared with their global overall ROI, 49% of the
companies consider their overall ROI in China to
be higher than in other places.

Figure 22 Comparison of Overall Return on Investment in China (2018-2022)
图表 22 在华总体投资回报率对比(2018-2022)

   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33