Page 30 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 30
Although China’s economy is gradually 2022年,中国经济虽逐步呈现回稳向好的态
heading towards stabilization and 势,但企业对中国市场增长的信心稍有回
improvement in 2022, the confidence of the 落,从77%降至66%。中资企业(75%)与从事消
participating companies in the business outlook 费产品及服务的企业(75%)对中国市场预期最为乐
in China drops slightly from 77% to 66%. Chinese 观,美资企业信心虽出现一定程度的波动,但仍有过
companies (75%) and companies engaged in 半美资企业持续看好中国市场。
consumption products and services (75%) show
the highest degree of optimism about the Chinese
market. Despite a certain fluctuation in the
confidence of American companies, over 50% of
them still stay sanguine about the Chinese market.

Figure 25 Comparison of Business Outlook in China (2018-2022)
图表 25 对中国市场增长的期望对比(2018-2022)

   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35