Page 35 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 35
mpared with the past year, more 2022年落实2.5亿美元以下的实际再投资比例
companies chose to reinvest less than 高于去年。然而,自2022年3月以来,国内
US$250 million in China in 2022. Nonetheless, 疫情多点散发,防控措施全面升级,企业生产经营活
since March 2022, the COVID-19 outbreaks have 动面临着一定的不确定性。企业对大额投资(超过
spread rapidly in many cities in China, and the 2.5亿美元)持谨慎态度,具体而言,2022年,10%
prevention and control measures have been 的受访企业原计划在华进行超过2.5亿美元再投资,
upgraded in an all-round way, thus adding 但2022年最终落实超过2.5亿美元再投资的企业比例
uncertainty to the production and operation 仅为5%。美资企业与消费产品及服务企业落实大额
activities of companies. Companies are cautious 投资情况最为乐观,占比最高,分别达7%和8%。
about large investments. Specifically, while 10%
of the companies had each budgeted to reinvest
US$250 million or more in China in 2022, only
5% actually reinvested that amount in the same
year. But the overall situation looks rosy among
American companies and companies engaged
in consumption products and services, with 7%
of the former and 8% of the latter implementing
very large reinvestment projects involving
US$250 million or more.

Figure 32 Comparison of Companies’ Budgeted and Actual Reinvestment in China in 2022
图表 32 2022年在华预算再投资与实际再投资的企业分布情况

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