Page 34 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 34
The investment enthusiasm of companies 企业投资热情持续高涨,2022年进行在华实
continues to go up. The proportion of 际再投资的企业比例同比小幅上涨1%至
companies that actually reinvested in China 80%,高于疫情前的水平。其中,中资企业(77%)
in 2022 rises slightly by 1% to 80%, which is 与美资企业(76%)实际再投资情况几乎一致。
higher than the pre-pandemic level. The actual
reinvestment of Chinese companies (77%) and
American companies (76%) is virtually identical.

Figure 31 Actual Reinvestment in China (by Origins of Companies)
图表 31 在华实际再投资情况(按照国家来源划分)

Yes 是 2019 2020 2021 2022
No 否 78% 74% 79% 80%
22% 26% 21% 20%

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