Page 27 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 27
e data reveals an upbeat attitude of the 企业对盈利所需时间的预期持乐观态度,绝
participating companies on their expected 大部分仍未盈利的受访企业预计能在两年
time to reach profitability. A vast majority of them 内实现盈利,仅4%的受访企业认为实现盈利所需时
expect to achieve profitability within two years, 间将超过六年,相较去年下降了8%。
while only 4% believe that it will take over six years
to reach that goal, a decline of about 8%.

Figure 21 Comparison of Expected Time to Reach Profitability (2018-2022)
图表 21 预计盈利所需时间对比(2018-2022)

   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32