Page 24 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 24
Figure 15 Comparison of Change of Revenue in China (by Different Industries)
图表 15 在华营收变化对比(按照行业划分)

Companies’ profitability shows signs 2022年,企业在华盈利情况相较去年有所好
of improvement in 2022. 88% of the 转,88%的受访企业表示已在中国实现盈
participating companies have already become 利,相较去年增长了6%,其中,实现在华盈利的美
profitable in China, an increase of 6%. Up to 资企业高达九成。已实现在华盈利的企业中有54%表
90% of American companies have achieved 示已实现盈利且达到预期。
profitability. Moreover, 54% of those who are
profitable in China reported to have met their
budget expectations.

Figure 16 Profitability in China in 2022 (by Origins of Companies)
图表 16 2022年在华盈利情况(按照国家来源划分)

   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29