Page 164 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 164
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
to be more internationally influential in agricultural shift the policy focus from poverty alleviation toward
science, technological innovation, achievement comprehensively promoting rural vitalization.
transformation, and international cooperation, The country will continue to consolidate poverty
and is quickly becoming a high-level talent training alleviation outcomes, promote rural vitalization in
base and national high-end think tank, giving top areas that have shaken off poverty, and strengthen
priority to ensuring food security and the supply assistance for low-income rural residents on a
of agricultural products over the next four years. regular basis, said the document. The document
The seed industry and arable lands are the current emphasizes that the country must retain a "red line"
focus of the organization’s innovation. The academy of 1.8 billion mu (120 million hectares) of arable land.
is cultivating new varieties of crops, livestock and The construction of 100 million mu of high-standard
poultry, promoting the construction of the research farmland with high and stable yields regardless of
center for protecting and utilizing crop germplasm drought and flood was expected to be completed by
resources, and advancing basic agricultural the beginning of 2022 (Xinhua, Advance Rural).
research. The CAAS is also seeking to strengthen
cooperation and exchanges with foreign agricultural China has largely weathered the impact of the
research institutions, international organizations, novel coronavirus on agriculture and maintained
and regions along the Belt and Road. In 2020, a steady momentum of agricultural and rural
the academy launched 101 new international development in 2020. China has eliminated absolute
cooperation projects with contract funds of 166 poverty, but the low income of farmers and their
million RMB (about US$25.6 million), up 52.3% year poor living conditions are hurdles to realizing full
on year. More than 120 bilateral and multilateral modernization. In the next five years, China will
joint laboratories or joint research centers were set strive to make greater progress in rural construction.
up at home and abroad during the 13th Five-Year However, there is sometimes a tendency of using
Plan (2016-2020) period (Xinhua, China to Promote). cultivated land for non-agricultural purposes, which,
if allowed to continue, will affect the country's
China’s "No. 1 central document" for 2021 stressed food security. China has a large population but
the efforts to comprehensively push forward rural limited land and such national conditions decide it
vitalization and accelerate the modernization must go all out to feed its 1.4 billion people. Given
of agriculture and rural areas. As the first policy the increasing uncertainties in the international
statement released by China's central authorities agricultural product supply market because of the
each year, the document is seen as an indicator of global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, China must
policy priorities. Work on agriculture and rural areas keep its national food security in mind to be able to
has been high on the agenda for 18 consecutive cope with uncertainties brought about by changes
years since 2004. According to the 14th Five-Year in international situations. Only by increasing its
Plan (2021-2025), the Communist Party of China will overall grain production and ensuring basic grain
regard work concerning agriculture, rural areas and self-sufficiency can China truly achieve food security
farmers as its top priority. The document clearly lists (CD Food Security).
the targets and tasks concerning agriculture and
rural areas. The country kept its sown areas stable, The Phase One Agreement
with the grain output exceeding 650 billion kg. The
country also started implementing the plan on the The Phase One Agreement, signed by the United
modernization of agriculture and the countryside States and China in January 2020, committed China
and further promoted reforms in rural areas. By to huge purchases of US agricultural products
2025, China will see substantial progress in the in 2020 and 2021. Phase One laid out that over
modernization of agriculture and the countryside, the course of 2020 and 2021, total exports of US
with achievements seen for a more solid agricultural agricultural products to China would increase by
foundation, a narrower income gap between US$73.8 billion, which is equivalent to US$80 billion
rural and urban residents, and basically realizing in Chinese imports, once shipping and freight are
agricultural modernization where conditions added. The agreement split the total purchases
permit. China will set a five-year transition period for into individual annual commitments – 45% of the
counties that have shaken off poverty and gradually
to be more internationally influential in agricultural shift the policy focus from poverty alleviation toward
science, technological innovation, achievement comprehensively promoting rural vitalization.
transformation, and international cooperation, The country will continue to consolidate poverty
and is quickly becoming a high-level talent training alleviation outcomes, promote rural vitalization in
base and national high-end think tank, giving top areas that have shaken off poverty, and strengthen
priority to ensuring food security and the supply assistance for low-income rural residents on a
of agricultural products over the next four years. regular basis, said the document. The document
The seed industry and arable lands are the current emphasizes that the country must retain a "red line"
focus of the organization’s innovation. The academy of 1.8 billion mu (120 million hectares) of arable land.
is cultivating new varieties of crops, livestock and The construction of 100 million mu of high-standard
poultry, promoting the construction of the research farmland with high and stable yields regardless of
center for protecting and utilizing crop germplasm drought and flood was expected to be completed by
resources, and advancing basic agricultural the beginning of 2022 (Xinhua, Advance Rural).
research. The CAAS is also seeking to strengthen
cooperation and exchanges with foreign agricultural China has largely weathered the impact of the
research institutions, international organizations, novel coronavirus on agriculture and maintained
and regions along the Belt and Road. In 2020, a steady momentum of agricultural and rural
the academy launched 101 new international development in 2020. China has eliminated absolute
cooperation projects with contract funds of 166 poverty, but the low income of farmers and their
million RMB (about US$25.6 million), up 52.3% year poor living conditions are hurdles to realizing full
on year. More than 120 bilateral and multilateral modernization. In the next five years, China will
joint laboratories or joint research centers were set strive to make greater progress in rural construction.
up at home and abroad during the 13th Five-Year However, there is sometimes a tendency of using
Plan (2016-2020) period (Xinhua, China to Promote). cultivated land for non-agricultural purposes, which,
if allowed to continue, will affect the country's
China’s "No. 1 central document" for 2021 stressed food security. China has a large population but
the efforts to comprehensively push forward rural limited land and such national conditions decide it
vitalization and accelerate the modernization must go all out to feed its 1.4 billion people. Given
of agriculture and rural areas. As the first policy the increasing uncertainties in the international
statement released by China's central authorities agricultural product supply market because of the
each year, the document is seen as an indicator of global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, China must
policy priorities. Work on agriculture and rural areas keep its national food security in mind to be able to
has been high on the agenda for 18 consecutive cope with uncertainties brought about by changes
years since 2004. According to the 14th Five-Year in international situations. Only by increasing its
Plan (2021-2025), the Communist Party of China will overall grain production and ensuring basic grain
regard work concerning agriculture, rural areas and self-sufficiency can China truly achieve food security
farmers as its top priority. The document clearly lists (CD Food Security).
the targets and tasks concerning agriculture and
rural areas. The country kept its sown areas stable, The Phase One Agreement
with the grain output exceeding 650 billion kg. The
country also started implementing the plan on the The Phase One Agreement, signed by the United
modernization of agriculture and the countryside States and China in January 2020, committed China
and further promoted reforms in rural areas. By to huge purchases of US agricultural products
2025, China will see substantial progress in the in 2020 and 2021. Phase One laid out that over
modernization of agriculture and the countryside, the course of 2020 and 2021, total exports of US
with achievements seen for a more solid agricultural agricultural products to China would increase by
foundation, a narrower income gap between US$73.8 billion, which is equivalent to US$80 billion
rural and urban residents, and basically realizing in Chinese imports, once shipping and freight are
agricultural modernization where conditions added. The agreement split the total purchases
permit. China will set a five-year transition period for into individual annual commitments – 45% of the
counties that have shaken off poverty and gradually