Page 162 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 162
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Agriculture and Rural Areas (MARA) at the national will vary considerably across regions and sectors.
level and provincial levels. Food safety enforcement From the late 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period
and supervision will be supported in Guangdong and to the early 15th Five-Year Plan (2026-30) period,
Shandong provinces by integrating local standards China's prosperous coastal regions and suburbs
and regulations covering ‘farm to plate’ in specific of large cities such as Beijing, and Tianjin and the
value chains in selected municipalities and aligning Zhejiang province are expected to basically achieve
them with national regulations. About 7,500 family agricultural and rural modernization as leading
farms, cooperatives, SMEs, and large enterprises in areas. Agricultural productivity is the weakest spot.
the agriculture and food sector will be supported by China's agricultural value-added per labor force
the project to better manage food safety risks and was slightly above the world average in 2018, but
run sustainable businesses. It will also directly benefit 22.2% below the level of upper middle-income
about 600,000 consumer households in the project countries and only 12.1% of the level of high-income
areas in Foshan, Guangzhou, Huizhou, Jiangmen countries. In China, agriculture continues to employ
and Zhaoqing municipalities in Guangdong province an outsize share of the workforce. Most farmers
and Yantai municipality in Shandong province. are smallholders employed in non-farming sectors
About 3 million residents in these municipalities on a part-time basis. It will take time for China to
are expected to be reached through the food safety develop into an agricultural powerhouse. According
risks communication campaigns (Li and Keyes). to projections of the Rural Development Institute
at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China's
Background agricultural development will join the agricultural
powerhouse ranks around 2040-years after
As early as the 1950s, the Chinese government attaining the basic level of agricultural and rural
vowed to achieve the goal of agricultural modernization (Wei and Cui).
modernization. After nearly seven decades of
development, China's agricultural modernization Until then, more agricultural products imported
drive has made steady progress, with great from the United States will help meet demand
achievements. Output of grain and other staple from Chinese consumers and promote supply-side
agricultural products has steadily increased, and structural reform in the agricultural sector. China
agriculture has become more profitable, competitive purchases US agricultural products such as beef,
and sustainable. From 1953 to 2019, the total output pork, wheat, dairy, rice and aquatic products. The
value of China's farming, forestry, livestock and US allows Chinese agricultural products such as
fishery sector grew 4.5% on an annual average basis. fragrant pears, citrus and jujube, to enter the US
Few countries in the world could maintain such a high market. There is always more space for both sides
growth rate of their agricultural economy for such to enlarge trade volume with even more agricultural
a long period. Progress in science and technology products in a next stage agreement if the terms on
contributed 59.2% to China's agricultural output the agreement can be smoothly implemented. The
growth, and independently selected species have US and China are complementary in the agricultural
covered 95% of the sown area. China leads the world sector. Increasing domestic demand for high-quality
in terms of genome research and applications for products and the Chinese people's diverse dietary
paddy rice, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers, and habits will ensure the country can absorb the
has made breakthroughs in super rice, genetically increased US imports, but that will always be based
modified corn and new species of soybean. Since on changing domestic conditions in both countries.
2015, China's chemical fertilizer and pesticide levels Additional imports of US agricultural products must
have recorded negative growth rates. Rotational be based on market demand and World Trade
farming and pilot fallowing programs have been Organization rules (Zhong).
expanded to 2 million hectares. It is estimated that
China has reached the mid stage of agricultural China is continuing to promote science and
modernization. By the average pace of recent technology innovation in agriculture to support
years, China is poised to basically attain agricultural all-round rural revitalization in the 14th Five-Year
and rural modernization by 2035, but progress Plan period (2021-2025). The Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) is making great efforts

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