Page 9 - 2021 Policy Watch
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The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
laws and be unified with the standards for application 关于这一点,2020年12月30日,最高人民法院
of civil law.6 Therefore, the Supreme People’s Court 公布了对法律规定的原有解释全面清理情况,
has launched a comprehensive “cleaning-up” of the 与民法典规定一致的共364件,未作修改、继
591 judicial interpretations in force and 139 guidance 续适用;对标民法典,需要对名称和部分条款
cases and public cases, and promoted the formulation 进行修改的共111件,经修改颁布后自2021年1
of new judicial interpretations, which will ensure the 月1日施行;废止的司法解释116件将会失效。
unified and correct implementation of the Civil Code.
The Supreme People’s Court provided basic principles 民事类27件、商事类29件、知识产权类18件、
for “cleaning up” judicial interpretations: “First, the in- 诉讼类19件以及执行类18件。
terpretations that shall be revoked will be subject to
a revocation list to be published upon the review of 直接废止的116件司法解释中有24件在废止的
the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court. 同时制定相应司法解释,3件废止后根据新的
Second, the interpretations that require simple revi- 实践需要,及时制定相应的司法解释。
sion will be submitted to the Judicial Committee of
the Supreme People’s Court, and after review of the Ju- 同时,最高人民法院一并发布了与民法典配套
dicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court, they 的第一批共7件新的司法解释,于2021年1月1
will be published and implemented as of 1st January 日于民法典同步施行,涉及民法典时间效力8
2021. There are mainly two types of revisions: (1) revi- 、担保9、物权10、婚姻家庭11、继承12、建筑工
sions on quoted legal names, article numbers, specific 程合同13和劳动争议14。
characters; and (2) revisions on expressions of certain
articles, or removal of certain articles. Third, for the 《民法典》对原来的九部法律作出修改,原则
interpretations that require material modifications, not 上纳入《民法典》,并对《民法典》生效后的
only their names will be changed, but also their articles 法律行为进行规制。《最高人民法院关于适
will undergo massive modifications, or they will be in- 用<中华人民共和国民法典>时间效力的若干规
corporated in several judicial interpretations under the 定》规定,“民法典施行后的法律事实引起的
same category, such as the judicial interpretations of 民事纠纷案件,适用民法典的规定。民法典施
the Property Law, Contract Law, Guarantee Law and 行前的法律事实引起的民事纠纷案件,适用当
Marriage Law. These judicial interpretations shall be 时的法律、司法解释的规定,但是法律、司法
put in the agenda of revision after the “cleaning up” 解释另有规定的除外。”15但是,《立法法》
is complete, and will be revised on schedule. Fourth, 第九十三条规定“法律、行政法规、地方性法
the interpretations that shall remain, namely those that 规、自治条例和单行条例、规章不溯及既往,
do not conflict with the Civil Code, will continue to 但为了更好地保护公民、法人和其他组织的权
be effective and applicable. For example, the Interpreta-
tion of the Supreme People’s Court on Issues of Applica- 8 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>时
tion of the Contract Law (II), Article 28, provides that 间效力的若干规定》
“where a party requests the people’s court to increase 9 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>有
liquidated damages pursuant to the Contract Law, Ar- 关担保制度的解释》
ticle 114(2), the increased liquidated damages shall not 10 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>物
exceed the amount of actual losses. If a party makes 权编的解释(一)》
another request to the other party for compensation 11 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>婚
for losses after liquidated damages have been increased, 姻家庭编的解释(一)》
the people’s court will not sustain this second request.” 12 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>继
The Civil Code, Article 585, corresponding to the Con- 承编的解释(一)》
tract Law, Article 114, only revised a part of this, while 13 《最高人民法院关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件
the actual meaning has not changed. Therefore, prior 适用法律问题的解释(一)》
14 《最高人民法院关于审理劳动争议案件适用法律问题
6 Speech on 20th collective study session of the 19th CPC Central 的解释(一)》
Committee’s Political Bureau on 29th May 2020 15 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>时