Page 7 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 7
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
third time a civil code was considered, China had just 和继承权。《宪法》第四十九条规定,婚姻、
commenced a historical era of reform and opening, 家庭、母亲和儿童受国家的保护。
therefore, the promulgation of the Civil Code was de-
layed for emphasis on other matters. China thus decid- 尽管中国的《民事典》颁布了新的民事法律,
ed to enact separate statutes for civil law matters, then 但《民法典》很大程度上是对现行的民事法律
gradually accumulate, summarize and improve these 进行整理,而不是制定全新的民事法律,同时
statutes, and finally formulate a Civil Code.3 Therefore, 还对于出现的新情况做出新规定,甚至还有对
China enacted the amended Marriage Law of 1980, 民事法律的很好补充,例如人权部分,整理并
Succession Law of 1985, General Principles of the Civil 加强了姓名和形象的人权,保护其受到骚扰和
Law of 1986, Guarantee Law of 1995, Contract Law 诋毁。另一个就是获取财产部分,在《民事
of 1999, Law of Property Rights of 2007 and the Tort 典》颁布之前,我国现行有效的民事商事法律
Liability Law of 2009. In March 2015, the Legisla- 共有32部。其中,《婚姻法》、《继承法》、
tive Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee 《民法通则》、《收养法》、《担保法》、《
of the National People’s Congress officially launched 合同法》、《物权法》、《侵权责任法》、《
the compilation of a Civil Code. Over five years, after 民法总则》等9部法律的内容都已纳入《民事
ten Standing Committee meetings and two national 典》中,所以不再保留,将随同《民事典》的
congresses, the Civil Code was finally completed. On 施行而同步废止。其他23部法律将继续保留,
28th May 2020, the Third Session of the 13th National 与《民事典》并行实施。
People’s Congress adopted the Civil Code of the People’s
Republic of China, as a specific manifestation of the 2. 司法解释
civil rights granted by the Constitution of the People’s
Republic of China. For example, the Constitution, Ar- 中国,作为大陆法系国家,极大程度上依靠成
ticle 13 provides, the lawful private property of citizens 文法。尽管如此,除了国家立法机关制定和修
may not be encroached upon; the state protects by law 改法律法规,司法机构出具司法解释4和指导
the right of citizens to own private property and the 性案例5,针对法律法规进行解释和运用,解
right to inherit private property. The Constitution Ar- 决司法实践中出现具体事项。司法机关,特别
ticle 49 also provides, marriage, the family and mother 是最高人民法院的举措,对法院有约束作用,
and child are protected by the state. 正如全国人大立法所起的作用。因此,中国拥
China’s Civil Code largely organizes existing civil laws, 导性案例的体系,全面涵盖了中国法律。
rather than creating entirely new civil law, although
new civil law is promulgated in the Civil Code. There 4 最高人民法院的司法解释权最早源于1979年7月5日发
are also provisions for new situations. There are excel- 布的《人民法院组织法》第三十三条规定,“最高人民
lent additions to civil law, such as the section on per- 法院对于在审判过程中如何具体应用法律、法令的问
sonality rights, which properly organizes and enhances 题,进行解释。”后来,1981年6月10日通过的《全国人
the rights of persons to their names and images, to be 民代表大会常务委员会关于加强法律解释工作的决议》
free from harassment and defamation and in another 二、凡属于法院审判工作中具体应用法律、法令的问
section to acquire property. Prior to the publication of 题,由最高人民法院进行解释。凡属于检察院检察工作
the Civil Code, there existed 32 civil and commercial 中具体应用法律、法令的问题,由最高人民检察院进行
laws in force in China, but 9 of them, including the 解释。最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的解释如果有原
Marriage Law, the Succession Law, the General Prin- 则性的分歧,报请全国人民代表大会常务委员会解释或
ciples of the Civil Law, the Adoption Law, the Guaran- 决定。
tee Law, the Contract Law, the Law of Property Rights, 5 2018年10月26日修订的《人民法院组织法》第十八条
3 Mao Zedong, On Practice, 1937. This treatise by Mao Zedong is 法律的问题进行解释。最高人民法院可以发布指导性案
very influential in Chinese government proceedings. For example, the 例。”该条法律定义了指导性案例。
Code of Civil Procedure in modern China was used by the courts even
before it was promulgated and based on that experience, revised and 7
then promulgated.