Page 13 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 13
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
The Civil Code consists of 7 chapters and 1260 arti- 《民事典》共7编1260条,各编依次为总则、物
cles, divided into general provisions, property rights, 权、合同、人格权、婚姻家庭、继承、侵权责
contracts, personality rights, marriage and family, in- 任,以及附则,总字数达106600余字。民法典规
heritance, tort liability, and by-laws, with totally over 定的内容包括民事活动必须遵循的基本原则、民
106,600 words. The Civil Code includes basic prin- 事主体制度、监护制度、民事权利制度、民事法
ciples binding civil activities, civil subjects, guardian- 律行为和代理制度、民事责任制度、诉讼时效制
ship, civil authorities, civil legal acts and agency, civil 度、物权制度、合同制度、担保制度、人格权保
responsibility, statutes of limitation, property rights, 护制度、婚姻家庭制度、收养制度、继承制度、
contracts, guarantees, protection of personality rights, 侵权责任制度等。
marriage and family, adoption, inheritance and tort li-
ability, etc. 本文首先探讨除纳入《民法典》外的新加入《民
We shall initially discuss selected new provisions of law 法典》法律规定。18
that have been added to the Civil Code, beyond the
provisions of the nine laws that were incorporated into
the Civil Code.18
18 Comparison and Key Interpretation of Civil Code Provisions, by 18 杜月秋,孙政 编,《民法典条文对照与重点解读》
Du Yueqiu and Sun Zheng, Law Press China, Beijing 2020 ,法律出版社, 北京 2020 年