Page 8 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 8

Policy Watch: A Milestone in Legal Development: China Promulgates a Civil Code

     the Tort Liability Law and the General Provisions of the                     a. 法典、法规及司法解释的协调问题
     Civil Law, have been incorporated into the Civil Code.
     Therefore, these nine laws will cease to be in effect                        中国国家主席习近平提出,要及时完善相关民
     when the Civil Code takes effect. The other 23 laws will                     事司法解释,使之同民法典及有关法律规定和
     remain effective, with the Civil Code.                                       精神保持一致,统一民事法律适用标准6。为
     2. Judicial Interpretations                                                  件司法解释及139件指导性案例、公报案例进
     China, as a country with a civil law system, depends                         保《民法典》统一正确实施。
     largely on codified law. Nevertheless, aside from the
     laws and regulations of the national legislative organs,                     最高人民法院清理司法解释的基本原则:“第
     the judicial authorities issue judicial interpretations                      一,属于应当废止的,经最高人民法院审判委
     and explanation of the law4 and specify leading cases5.                      员会审议后公布废止清单;第二,属于简单修
     The actions of the judicial institution, particularly the                    改的,修改完成提交最高人民法院审判委员会
     Supreme People’s Court’s, is binding on the courts just                      审议后全文公布,于2021年1月1日实施。主要
     as if it was legislation from the National People’s Con-                     包括两种形式:一是需要对引用的法律名称、
     gress. Therefore, China has a mixed system of codes                          条文序号、个别文字作出修改;二是还需要修
     and statutes; together with judicial interpretations and                     改个别条文表述,或者废止个别条文;第三,
     leading cases, which comprehensively encompass the                           属于重大修改的,即不但需要修改司法解释名
     law in China.                                                                称,还需要同时对条文进行大规模修改,或对
     a. Problems of Harmonizing Codes, Statutes and Ju-                           权法》《合同法》《担保法》《婚姻法》等的
     dicial Interpretations                                                       司法解释等。这类司法解释需要在清理完成的
     Recently, Xi Jinping, China’s Chairman, required that                        属于应当保留的,即与《民法典》规定不冲突
     relevant civil judicial interpretations be promptly im-                      的司法解释,2021年1月1日继续生效适用。例
     proved to be consistent with the Civil Code the relevant                     如,《最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和
      4 The Right of Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court        规定,“当事人依照合同法第一百一十四条第
      can be dated back to the Article 33 of the Law on the Organization of       二款的规定,请求人民法院增加违约金的,增
      the People’s Courts published on 5th July 1979, which provided that         加后的违约金数额以不超过实际损失额为限。
      “the Supreme People’s Court gives interpretation on questions concern-      增加违约金以后,当事人又请求对方赔偿损失
      ing specific application of laws and decrees in judicial proceedings.”      的,人民法院不予支持。”《合同法》第一百
      Later, the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National Peo-        一十四条对照《民法典》第五百八十五条,仅
      ple’s Congress Providing an Improved Interpretation of the Law (passed      修改部分,具体意思没有改变,因此,在最高
      on 10th June 1981). Article 2 reads, “Interpretation of questions in-       院没有出台新的司法解释或发出废止通知前,
      volving the specific application of laws and decrees in court trials shall  该司法解释条款仍然有效;第五,涉及到与其
      be provided by the Supreme People’s Court. Interpretation of questions      他法律衔接适用的司法解释,如果其他法律正
      involving the specific application of laws and decrees in the procurato-    在或者将要修订的,不宜急于修改,而等该法
      rial work of the procuratorates shall be provided by the Supreme People’s   律修改颁布后再相应进行司法解释修改,如与
      Procuratorate. If the interpretations provided by the Supreme People’s      公司法相关的个别司法解释条款。7”
      Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate have discrepancies in
      principle, they shall be submitted to the Standing Committee of the         6 习近平2020年5月29日在十九届中央政治局第二十次集
      National People’s Congress for interpretation or decision.”                 体学习时的讲话
      5 The Law on the Organization of the People’s Courts (amended on            7 最高人民法院研究室副主任郭锋在2020年11月27日“
      26th October 2018), Article 18 provides that “The Supreme People’s          《民法典》适用重大问题研讨会”上发表的题为“民法
      Court may provide interpretations on specific application of law related    典实施与司法解释清理和制定工作”演讲
      to trials. The Supreme People’s Court may issue leading cases.” This
      provision defines the leading cases.

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