Page 4 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 4
Policy Watch: A Milestone in Legal Development: China Promulgates a Civil Code
President’s Message
Dear Members, 亲爱的会员,
After thousands of years without a civil code, China National Peo- 全国人民代表大会于2020年5月28日通过了《中华人民共
ple’s Congress (NPC) adopted China’s first civil code on May 28, 和国民法典》,这是新中国第一部以法典命名的法律。
2020 with 2879 votes in favor, 2 against, and 5 abstentions. The 该民法典以2879票赞成,2票反对和5票弃权获得通过,
Code went into effect on January 1, 2021. 且于2021年1月1日生效。
This first civil code incorporates existing civil laws, such as those 该民法典囊括了现有的民法,包括保护居住权和隐私权
protecting the right to residence and the right to privacy, along with 的法律,以及法律新领域的法规,例如网络个人数据隐
regulations in some new areas of law, such as privacy of personal 私和虚拟财产保护。
data online and virtual property protection.
Various Chinese media including CGTN have promoted the civil 台在内的各大中国媒体,都宣称该民法典为中国广泛推
code “as a landmark achievement of China’s efforts to widely pro- 动法治建设的标志性成就。法制建设依赖于立法更新,
mote the rule of law, at a time when Chinese society is experienc- 这是推动国家治理体系现代化和提高其响应国家需求能
ing a major transformation in its development. Updating the leg- 力的重要一步。作为保护个人权益最重要的法律之一,
islation that the rule of law relies on is an important step in the 《中华人民共和国民法典》将极大地促进中国的社会公
modernization of the national governance system and improving 平和正义。
its capacity to respond to the country’s needs. As one of the most
important laws on the protection of individual rights and interests, 我们的法律传奇人物和中国法律的权威专家David Bux-
the civil code will give a major boost to the level of social fairness baum博士及其安與恩办事处的团队对这一新的民法典进
and justice in China.” 行了分析,分析内容将在本书中所呈现。Buxbaum博士
Our legal legend and leading Chinese law expert, Dr. David Bux- 展做出了巨大贡献。
baum and his team at the law firm of Anderson and Anderson, LLP
have conducted analysis of this new civil code which are presented
in the following pages. Dr. Buxbaum has been practicing law in
China for the past 48 years and his contributions to the advance-
ment of the legal system in China have been enormous.
Dr. Harley Seyedin 哈利•赛亚丁博士
President, American Chamber of Commerce in South China 华南美国商会 会长
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award (together with 2017年奥斯陆商业促和平奖 获奖者 (同期获奖者包括伊
Elon Musk) 隆•马斯克)
Awarded by the Award Committee of Nobel Laureates in Peace and 由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会授予
Economics 美国商务部颁发的“商业促和平奖”得主(由托马斯杰
Among fewer than 20 individuals in 230 years to be awarded the 斐逊于创设至今230年间,全球荣获该奖章的个人不超过
Thomas Jefferson initiated Peace Through Commerce Medal by the 20位)
US Government – The Highest civilian honor awarded by the US 暨南大学 访问学者
Department of Commerce 阿来龙能源 总裁
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University
President, Allelon Energy Partners