Page 5 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 5

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

From the Qin dynasty to the Qing dynasty, a period of                 从秦朝到清朝近两千多年,中国一直使用中国
about 2000 years, China was governed by traditional                   传统法律制度,对日本、韩国和越南等有着深
Chinese law, a system that influenced law in Japan, Ko-               远影响。自古以来,这个历史悠久、富有成果
rea and Vietnam, the longest successful legal system in               的传统法律制度,终于在1911年辛亥革命走到
history, which came to an end with the Xinhai Revolu-                 了尽头。即便在辛亥革命前,清政府也开始了
tion of 1911. Even before the Revolution, the Qing                    一系列对传统中国法律现代化的措施,沈家本
government began a program of modernizing tradi-                      等众多杰出法学家对传统法律的改变起重要作
tional Chinese law and various persons, such as the out-              用。在民国时期至1949年10月1日间,多部新
standing legal scholar, Shen Jiaben, were instrumental                法律出台并实施。但1949年10月1日新中国成
in bringing about change in traditional law. During                   立,废除原有的所有法律法规,开始新的法律
the Republican period, until 1st October 1949, many                   制度发展。这个新的制度在1957年前大部分在
new laws were drafted and some implemented. How-                      苏联法律的基础上发展、起草、立法,如《
ever, on 1st October 1949, China abolished all previ-                 政法研究》法律周刊、1950年颁布《婚姻法》
ous laws and regulations and commenced development                    ,1954年颁布《宪法》。1但立法的进程在上
of a new legal system. This new system, based in large                世纪五十年代后期遭到了“左倾”“大跃进”
part on Soviet law, progressed until 1957, developing                 的挫折,法制发展止步不前。直到1976年文革
draft legislation, legal journals such as Zhengfa Yanjiu              结束后,尤其是在1978年后,法制进程才步入
(Study of Politics and Law) and enacting the Marriage                 重启阶段。此前,除了对国有企业的规定外,
Law of 1950 and a reasonable Constitution in 1954.1                   就只有1950年《婚姻法》、《惩治反革命条
However, these developments came to a dramatic end                    例》和未完善的《宪法》。
in the late fifties during the Anti-Rightist Movement
and the Great Leap Forward, which was a great leap                    中国从公元前221年的秦朝至公元1911年间就
backwards for legal development. Not until 1976 with                  已经有法典,但并非民法典。2尽管传统法律
the end of the Cultural Revolution and indeed more
properly until 1978, did the legal institutions begin to              1 见包恒《共产主义中国司法机构的主要发展趋势与刑
recover. Prior thereto, except for regulations for State              法本质》,国际与比较法季刊(1962年),年度重要文
Owned Enterprises (“SOE”), the only publicly pro-                     章,中国共产主义政府重印,昶德勒,三藩市,1966年
mulgated laws were the Marriage Law of 1950, the                      2 长期以来,外国人认为中国在古代没有民法和民事诉
Counter-Revolutionary Regulations and a poor quality                  讼。实际上,中国在古代有许多重要的民法和民事诉
Constitution.                                                         讼。见包恒《1789-1985年淡水、新竹基层审判中民事程
1 See David C. Buxbaum, Preliminary Trends in the Develop-            十期第255页)。该文章分析了在清朝地方官府档案中可
ment of the Legal Institutions of Communist China and the Nature      以发现,地方官员处理的三分之一案例都是民事诉讼。
of the Criminal Law, International and Comparative Law Quarterly      我的这篇文章引起很大反响,并在中国再版。另外,古
(1962), lead article for the year, reprinted in Government of Commu-  代庭审处以的一些刑罚,如枷刑,在外国人看来,中国
nist China, Chandler, San Francisco in 1966.                          法律很残忍且不成熟。后来从台湾大学的杰出学者戴炎

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