Page 22 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 22

Policy Watch: A Milestone in Legal Development: China Promulgates a Civil Code

     ant to the Civil Code.                                                      e. 错误信息的更正

     The Civil Code, Article 972, provides for sharing profits                   《民法典》第一千零二十八条规定“民事主体有
     and losses. Article 973 provides for debt obligations.                      证据证明报刊、网络等媒体报道的内容失实,侵
     Article 974 regulates the transfer of shares of partner-                    害其名誉权的,有权请求该媒体及时采取更正或
     ship property. Article 975 provides restrictions on the                     者删除等必要措施。”《民法典》第一千零二十
     exercise of the right of subrogation by creditors. The                      九条规定“民事主体可以依法查询自己的信用评
     said Articles respectively correspond to Articles 30, 38,                   价;发现信用评价不当的,有权提出异议并请求
     39, 40 and 41 in the Partnership Law, which are ex-                         采取更正、删除等必要措施。信用评价人应当及
     tended to all partnerships in the partnership system.                       时核查,经核查属实的,应当及时采取必要措
     The previous General Principles of Civil Law did not                        权,是人格权请求权的具体体现,有利于预防损
     specify how to deal with the expiration of the partner-                     害的进一步发生。
     ship. The Partnership Law, Article 46 provides that
     “where the term of partnership is not specified in a                        3. 物权编
     partnership agreement, a partner may withdraw from
     the partnership by an advance 30-day notice to other                        《民法典》物权编共五个分编,二十章,二百五
     partners, provided that its withdrawal will not cause                       十八条,修改的内容主要涵盖农村集体产权制
     adverse effect on the operation of the partnership af-                      度、建筑物区分所有权制度、居住权、担保物权
     fairs.” If there is no agreement on the term of the part-                   制度和住宅建设使用权续期。
     nership, or the term of the partnership is undefined, it
     shall be deemed as a partnership at will, and a partner                     a. 用益物权:居住权
     shall be granted the right to terminate the contract;
     however, the partner shall notify the other partners of                     物权法规定了建设用地使用权、土地承包经营
     its termination of a contract of partnership at will, at                    权、宅基地使用权、地役权四种用益特权,民法
     a reasonable time in advance39. These provisions in the                     典在此基础上,增加规定了居住权这一新的用益
     Civil Code are similar to those in the Swiss Code of Ob-                    物权。居住权是指居住权人有权按照合同约定或
     ligations and the “Civil Law” of Taiwan.                                    者遗嘱,对他人的住宅享有占有、使用的权利,
     2. Personality Rights
     The system of personality rights is composed as a sepa-                     上作为人役权的居住权的立法目的是为了保护离
     rate chapter, Chapter Four in the Civil Code, which                         婚妇女和保姆等特定人员或弱者。德国的《民法
     is new. Chapter Four, regarding personality rights,                         典》中规定的居住权分为两种,一是传统的居住
     consists of 6 subchapters and 51 articles. This Chapter                     权,即保护弱者、特定对象的居住权;二是广义
     provides for the type, content, boundary and protec-                        的居住权,即包括投资性居住权。中国的《民法
     tion of the personality rights of civil subjects from the                   典》写入居住权的主要理由之一是“为公租房和
     perspective of civil law, and has full regulations on pro-                  老年人以房养老提供法律保障”47,其规定的居
     tection of specific personality rights and interests such                   住权不仅限于保护离婚妇女、保姆等弱者或特定
     as rights to life, rights to body, rights to health, rights                 人群,属于广义的居住权,具有投资性能,适用
     to name, portrait rights, rights to reputation, rights to                   于“以房养老”。

      may raise objections to the affairs executed by other partners. When       根据《民法典》的规定,居住权仅能设立于住
      raising objections, the execution of such affairs shall be suspended. If   宅,而非房屋,因此商铺等经营性用房不能设立
      any dispute arises, a decision shall be made in accordance with Article
      30 of this Law. Where a partner entrusted to execute the partnership af-        46 《民法典》第三百六十六条
      fairs fails to execute according to the partnership agreement or decision       47 《关于<民法典各分编(草案)>的说明——2018年8
      of all partners, the other partners may decide to revoke the entrustment.       月27日在第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次
      39 Civil Code, Article 976                                                      会议上》,作者沈春耀,全国人大常委会法制工作委员
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