Page 24 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 24

Policy Watch: A Milestone in Legal Development: China Promulgates a Civil Code

     that are known to the public and can show the image of         抵押人的行为属于严重影响债权实现的其他情
     such person, shall be protected by law. This provision         形,此时,抵押财产确定,抵押权人可以就财产
     therefore expands the scope of protection of portrait rights.  优先受偿。

     In the previous General Principles of Civil Law, Article       原先的《物权法》规定不得设立流质条款56,即
     100, “citizens shall enjoy portrait rights. The portraits      约定债务人不履行到期债务时抵押财产归债权人
     of citizens shall not be used for the purpose of profit        所有。若有此约定,则该约定无效。《民法典》
     without their consent.” However, the Civil Code, Ar-           生效后,流质条款依然无效,只是债权人能依法
     ticle 1019 provides that: “all organizations or individu-      就抵押财产优先受偿57。
     als shall not infringe on other people’s portrait rights
     by defaming, defacing, or forgery through information          《民法典》修改了权利质权设立的规则,一是删
     technology, or any other means. Without the consent            除了具体登记机构的规定,为建立统一的动产抵
     of the portrait rights holders, none of their portraits        押和权利质押登记制度留下制度空间;二是删除
     shall be made, used, or published, unless otherwise            了“应当订立书面合同”的规定;三是权利质权
     provided for by law. Without the consent of portrait           设立采用“非经同意,不得处分”的规则,与抵
     rights holders, any rights holders of any portrait works       押期间抵押财产处理规则不同58。权利质权是指
     shall not use or publish the portrait of the portrait          债务人或者第三人对以下权利质押后债权人获得
     rights holder by publication, reproduction, issuance,          的权利:一、汇票、本票、支票;二、债券、存
     leasing, exhibition, or any other means.” Infringement         款单;三、仓单、提单;四、可以转让的基金份
     of portrait rights will no longer be limited to the pur-       额、股权;五、可以转让的注册商标专用权、专
     pose of obtaining profit, but shall include other ways         利权、著作权等知识产权中的财产权;六、现有
     of infringement of portrait rights, which strengthens          的以及将有的应收账款;及,七、法律、行政法
     protection of portrait rights.                                 规规定可以出质的其他财产权利。

     At the same time, the Civil Code specifies the proper          c. 住宅建设用地使用权续期
     scope of use of portrait rights40, explaining clauses41 and
     terms42 for use of portrait in license contracts.              中国《民法典》对住宅建设用地使用权届满如何
     The Civil Code, Article 1023 stipulates that protection        权期限届满的,自动续期。续期费用的缴纳或减
     of the voice of a natural person shall be referred to the      免,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。”59这为
     relevant provisions on protection of the right to use          国务院正式提出修改有关法律的议案后,再进一
     portraits.                                                     步做好衔接做好准备。

     c. Relief of Personality Rights                                4. 侵权责任编

     The victim may have the right to request the infringer         a. “自甘风险”规则
     to cease infringement, remove obstruction, eliminate
     danger, eliminate influence, restore its reputation and        在侵权责任法的基础上,民法典进一步完善了侵
     apologize, and the above-mentioned relief will not fall        权责任的归责原则,确立“自甘风险”规则。《
     under the statute of limitations43. In the event of con-       民法典》明确自愿参加具有一定风险的文体活
     currence of breach of contract and tort liability, com-        动,因其他参加者的行为受到损害的,受害人不
     pensation for mental damages shall be available44.             得请求其他参加者承担侵权责任,但是其他参加
      40 Civil Code, Article 1020
      41 Civil Code, Article 1021                                        56 《物权法》第一百八十六条
      42 Civil Code, Article 1022                                        57 《物权法》第四百零一条
      43 Civil Code, Article 995                                         58 《民法典》第四百四十一条至第四百四十五条
      44 Civil Code, Article 996                                         59 《民法典》第三百五十九条
                                                                         60 《民法典》第一千一百七十六条
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