Page 25 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 25
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
If any party whose personality rights are infringed has b. “自助行为”
evidence that the infringer is committing or is about to
commit an illegal act that infringes upon its personality 《民法典》明确合法权益受到侵害,情况紧迫且
right, which will cause irreparable damage to its legal 不能及时获得国家机关保护,不立即采取措施将
interests if it is not stopped on time, such party shall 使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,受害人可
have the right to apply to the people’s court for protec- 以在保护自己合法权益的必要范围内采取扣留侵
tion of act pursuant to law45. 权人的财物等合理措施,但是应当立即请求有关
d. Sexual Harassment 国家机关处理61。此处《民法典》规定的是私力
The Civil Code, Article 1010 provides that “If any per- 救济,以弥补国家机关救济的不足,保护个体利
son commits sexual harassment against any other per- 益,但是需要注意的是,民事中的私力救济仅限
son’s will by words, characters, images, or physical acts, 于财物,而且要限制在必要范围内,并随即请求
the victim has the right to request such person to as- 有关国家机关处理。
sume civil liability pursuant to law. Organs, enterpris-
es, schools and other entities shall take reasonable mea- c. 精神损害赔偿
sures to prevent sexual harassment, accept complaints
of, investigate and handle sexual harassment cases, so 《民法典》规定因故意或者重大过失侵害自然人
as to prevent and cease sexual harassment conducted 具有人身意义的特定物造成严重精神损害的,被
through abuse of any person’s powers and affiliation 侵权人有权请求精神损害赔偿62。根据原先的《
relationship.” This Article specifies that employment 侵权责任法》,精神损害赔偿是由于行为人侵害
entities shall take reasonable measures such as preven- 他人人身权益,造成他人严重精神损害而产生
tion, acceptance of complaints and disposal, in order 的。但是,《民法典》扩大了精神损害赔偿的范
to prevent and stop sexual harassment and restrain the 围,侵害特定物而导致严重精神损害的也可以要
occurrence of sexual harassment. 求赔偿,之前的司法解释也有相关的规定,法院
e. Correction of False Information 应当受理因侵权行为导致具有人格象征意义的特
The Civil Code, Article 1028 reads, “any civil subject 定纪念物品灭失或毁损而请求精神损害赔偿的起
who has evidence proving that the contents reported in 诉63。
newspaper, periodical, network or other media are not
true, and infringe upon its right of reputation, has the d. 知识产权惩罚性赔偿
right to request the media to promptly take necessary
measures such as correcting or deleting the contents.” 《民法典》切实加强对知识产权的保护,显著提
The Civil Code, Article 1029 provides, “any civil subject 高侵犯知识产权的违法赔偿以发挥法律的威慑作
may check its own credit rating pursuant to law. If the 用,明确规定故意侵害他人知识产权,情节严重
civil subject discovers any improper contents regard- 的,可以请求惩罚性赔偿64。
ing its credit rating, it has the right to raise an objec-
tion and request necessary measures such as correcting e. 生态环境损害责任
or deleting the contents. Credit raters shall promptly
verify the objection or request, and shall promptly take 《民法典》增加规定生态环境损害的惩罚性赔偿,规
necessary measures where the complaint is verified to 定侵权人违反法律规定故意污染环境、破坏生态造
be true.” The said two articles specify the right of cor- 成严重后果的,被侵权人可以请求惩罚性赔偿65。而
rection in the case of false information, which shows 且,《民法典》明确了生态环境损害的修复和赔偿
the right to make claim for personality rights and is 制度,规定相关国家机关或组织可以要求造成生态环
conducive to preventing further damage. 境损害的侵权人在合理期限内承担修复责任,期限内
45 Civil Code, Article 997
61 《民法典》第一千一百七十七条
62 《民法典》第一千一百八十三条
63 《最高人民法院关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任
64 《民法典》第一千一百八十五条
65 《民法典》第一千二百三十二条
66 《民法典》第一千二百三十四条