Page 17 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 17

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

visions on “guarantee” in the Guarantee Law into the          该司法解释还将进一步规范了一般保证的诉讼时
chapter on contracts.                                         效。2000年,出台的《最高人民法院关于适用<
The Guarantee Law provides that, if the parties fail to       条规定,“一般保证的债权人在保证期间届满前
reach any agreement, or reach an agreement that is            对债务人提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,从判决或者
unclear, on the method of guarantee, they shall bear          仲裁裁决生效之日起,开始计算保证合同的诉讼
the liabilities of guarantee in accordance with joint li-     时效。”但是该条司法解释存在矛盾之处,按照
ability25. However, the Civil Code completely overrides       一般保证的先后顺序,在债权人未对主债务人申
this previous provision, by providing that if the parties     请强制执行且未能清偿之前,一般保证人均可以
fail to reach any agreement, or reach any agreement           拒绝履行保证责任。若按照2000年公布的司法解
that is unclear, they shall bear the general liabilities of   释,保证合同的诉讼时效从判决或者仲裁裁决生
guarantee26, that is, the guarantor shall only assume its     效之日起开始计算,明显对债权人不公平。而该
proportion of liability, instead of joint liability. Should   司法解释修改了该规定,规定“人民法院作出终
there be no agreed arrangement on the proportion of           结本次执行程序裁定,或者依照民事诉讼法第二
liability, each party shall share an equal proportion.        百五十七条第三项、第五项的规定作出终结执行
A guarantor bearing joint liability does not enjoy the        裁定的,自裁定送达债权人之日起开始计算。人
benefit of resistance. This means if the debtor fails to      民法院自收到申请执行书之日起一年内未作出前
assume the debt, the creditor may require the guaran-         项裁定的,自人民法院收到申请执行书满一年之
tor to assume the liability of guarantee, and does not        日起开始计算,但是保证人有证据证明债务人仍
need to file lawsuit to a court or apply for arbitration      有财产可供执行的除外。”30
to an arbitration organization. However, if the guaran-
tor is subject to general liabilities of guarantee, it shall  e. 保理合同
assume such liability only when the debtor cannot
pay the debt. For example, in case of a guarantor with        保理合同是应收账款的债权人将应收账款转让给
general liability for guarantee, if a debtor fails to pay     保理人,保理人提供资金支持以及应收账款管
the debt, a creditor cannot directly request the guar-        理、催收服务、付款担保等服务的合同,是企业
antor to assume liabilities as it can do so in the case       融资的一种手段。《民法典》合同编设专章规定
of joint liability; instead, the creditor must file a law-    了保理合同,对保理合同的概念、内容和形式、
suit in courts or apply for arbitration to an arbitration     虚构应收账款的保理、保理人发出转让通知、有
tribunal. Upon the court’s judgement or the panel’s           追索权保理、无追索权保理和多重保理等内容作
arbitral award, if the creditor applies to the court for      了规定。
enforcement, but the debtor still fails to pay the debt,
the creditor may have the right to request the guaran-        《民法典》规定,应收账款债权人与债务人虚构
tor to assume liabilities. If the creditor directly requests  应收账款作为转让标的,与保理人订立保理合同
the guarantor to assume liabilities, the guarantor may        的,应收账款债务人不得以应收账款不存在为由
exercise its right of benefit of resistance for defense and   对抗保理人,但是保理人明知虚构的除外31。该
refuse to assume liability.                                   规定的法理依据在于“通谋虚伪表示无效不得对
The general guarantor has the right to refuse to as-          人与债务人之间通谋虚伪表示的效果必须是达到
sume the liabilities of guarantee in the event that the       了制造本不存在的权利外观的程度,而且保理人
dispute over the main contract has not been reviewed          善意无过失。
by a court or arbitrated, when the debtor still cannot
assume its debt even if its property is enforced pursu-       如果保理人明知基础合同虚假,则保理人对债权
ant to law. However, there are three exceptions27. Com-       人的融资行为将被定性为借贷,保理人只能要求
pared to the previous Guarantee Law, the Civil Code           债权人还本付息,而无权向债务人主张权利。

25 Guarantee Law, Article 19                                       30 《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民法典>有
26 Civil Code, Article 686                                         关担保制度的解释》第二十八条
27 Guarantee Law, Article 17                                       31 《民法典》第七百六十三条

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