Page 21 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 21

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

the Partnership Law. The general provisions provide                       组织或者个人不得以丑化、污损,或者利用信息
that a partnership company is a non-legal person or-                      技术手段伪造等方式侵害他人的肖像权。未经肖
ganization and thus does not have the status of a legal                   像权人同意,不得制作、使用、公开肖像权人的
person, but it may engage in civil activities in its own                  肖像,但是法律另有规定的除外。未经肖像权人
name35. The chapter on contracts adjusted the legal re-                   同意,肖像作品权利人不得以发表、复制、发
lations of a civil partnership, highlighting that an in-                  行、出租、展览等方式使用或者公开肖像权人的
ternal relation of a partnership is subject to a general                  肖像。”对肖像权的侵权认定不再要求以营利为
provisions for the legal relationship of the partnership.                 目的,而且应包括侵犯肖像权的方式,加强肖像
The Partnership Law, on the other hand, fully provides                    权的保护。
for the rules of internal and external relations of the
partnership, which is a special provision for commer-                     同时。《民法典》规定了肖像权的合理使用范围
cial partnerships.                                                        40,肖像许可使用合同中关于肖像使用条款的解
The Civil Code provides that prior to the termination of
a partnership contract, a partner may not divide part-                    《民法典》第一千零二十三条规定,对自然人声
nership property36. Partnership property is common                        音的保护,参照使用肖像权保护的有关规定。
property, jointly managed and employed by the part-
ners. However, this chapter only provides general pro-                    c. 人格权救济
visions of the partnership, while the Partnership Law
has specific provisions for commercial partnerships                       受害人可以请求行为人停止侵害、排除妨碍、消
which provide that the partnership company shall not                      除危险、消除影响、恢复名誉、赔礼道歉请求
divide its partnership property prior to liquidation37.                   权,而且上述救济不适用诉讼时效的规定43。违
Article 970 of the Civil Code, based on Article 34 of the                 响44。
General Principles of the Civil Law, fully elaborates on
undertaking partnership affairs. First, the partnership                   人格权受侵害一方有证据证明行为人正在实施或
affairs decisions shall follow the principle of unanimous                 者即将实施侵害其人格权的违法行为,不及时制
consent, unless otherwise agreed to the partnership                       止将使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,有权
contract. Second, in principle, partnership affairs shall                 依法向人民法院申请行为保全45。
be jointly executed by all partners. Third, this Article
established a system for partnership affairs undertaken                   d. 性骚扰
by entrusted partners. Fourth, it adds a partner objec-
tion system. Any partners who execute partnership af-                     《民法典》第一千零一十条规定:“违背他人意
fairs believing that the execution by other partners is                   愿,以言语、文字、图像、肢体行为等方式对他
improper and may damage the interests of the partner-                     人实施性骚扰的,受害人有权依法请求行为人承
ship may raise objections, and other partners should                      担民事责任。机关、企业、学校等单位应当采取
suspend such partnership acts. “Objections” means                         合理的预防性骚扰、受理投诉、调查处置等措
a partner may express opposition to specific conduct                      施,防止和制止利用职权、从属关系等实施性骚
of other partners, rather than dissatisfaction with the                   扰。”该条明确了用人单位应当采取合理的预
matter executed by other partners. Whether the execu-                     防、投诉、处置等措施,预防和制止性骚扰行
tion of such acts should be suspended, depends on the                     为,以遏制性骚扰行为的发生。
unanimous decision of all partners. The objection sys-
tem, which was previously set forth in the Partnership                    40 《民法典》第一千零二十条
Law, Article 2938, is extended to all partnerships pursu-                 41 《民法典》第一千零二十一条
                                                                          42 《民法典》第一千零二十二条
35 Civil Code, Article 102                                                43 《民法典》第九百九十五条
36 Civil Code, Article 969 (2)                                            44 《民法典》第九百九十六条
37 Partnership Law, Article 21 (1)                                        45 《民法典》第九百九十七条
38 Partnership Law, Article 29 reads: if each partner may separately
execute the partnership affairs, and the partners executing the partners

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