Page 23 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 23
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
honor, and protection of privacy rights and personal 居住权。居住权设立方式有两类:一是意定居住
information. 权,基于合同设立或基于遗嘱设立;二是裁判居
a. Name 住权,包括作为离婚时的“适当帮助”、法定继
According to the previous General Principles of the Civil 承的遗产分割方式以及强制执行的变通途径等。
Law, the names of a legal person could only be used 对于居住权的意定设立需要订立书面形式的合同
and transferred. However, the Civil Code amended this 48,并且应当向登记机构申请居住权登记49。居
provision, stating that the name of a legal person may 住权不能转让、继承,除当事人另有约定外,不
be determined, used, changed, transferred or permitted 可出租50。
for use by others pursuant to law.
The General Provisions of Civil Law provided for the b. 担保物权制度
rights to the name of legal persons and non-legal per-
son organizations, but there were no provisions on 民法典在担保物权制度方面进行了制度创新,扩
protection of abbreviation of the name of legal persons 大担保合同范围,明确规定担保合同包括抵押合
and non-legal person organizations. The Civil Code, 同、质押合同和其他具有担保功能的合同51,包
Article 1017 reads, “pseudonyms, artist names, net 括买卖合同、融资租赁合同以及保理合同,分别
names, translated names, identifiers, and abbreviations 规定在《民法典》第六百四十一条、第七百四十
of names, that have certain social popularity, and are 五条和第七百六十八条。
sufficient to cause public confusion if they are used by
others, shall refer to and apply the provisions on the 《民法典》新增海域使用权作为可抵押财产之一
protection of rights to one’s name.” 52,但是未明确该财产经营和管理的抵押问题。
This provision includes abbreviations subject to the
scope of protection of the rights to a name. For ex- 《民法典》对“浮动抵押”的相关规则进行了修
ample, “Ali” “Maotai” and the like are the abbrevia- 改,确定“债权人有权就抵押财产确定时的动
tions of the relevant subjects. They are known to the 产优先受偿”53,而不是原先《物权法》上规定
general public that are related to their enterprises, and 的“在实现抵押权时优先受偿”54。结合《民法
thus should be protected by law. This provision is of 典》第四百一十一条浮动抵押财产确定的四种情
great significance for protection of the interests of legal 形55,债权人应当关注债务履行、抵押人、抵押
persons and non-legal person organizations, especially 财产的状态,一旦发生抵押财产确定的情形,债
for restraining unfair competition. 权人应及时与债务人、抵押人确认抵押财产的范
b. Portrait Rights 围、价值,并及时实现抵押权。例如,抵押人以
The traditional meaning of a portrait is limited to ex- 不合理的低价转让财产,使得财产明显减少,但
ternal images, mostly facial features, namely a portrait 是抵押权期限未届满,按照《物权法》原有的规
should reproduce the facial features of a natural person, 定,由于抵押权人抵押权仍未实现。抵押权人无
while other physical features of a natural person should 法就财产优先受偿。但是,《民法典》修改后,
not be considered as a portrait, even if they reflect an
individual’s external image. However, the Civil Code, 48 《民法典》第三百六十七条
Article 1018 (2) provides that “a portrait is an external 49 《民法典》第三百六十八条
image reflective of a certain natural person by means of 50 《民法典》第三百六十九条
video, sculpture, painting, etc., wherefrom such per- 51 《民法典》第三百八十八条
son can be identified.” Thus, the definition of portrait 52 《民法典》第三百九十五条
rights in the Civil Code has changed from “face-cen- 53 《民法典》第三百九十六条
tric” to “recognizable”. For example, any unique body 54 《物权法》第一百八十一条
movements, or any view of the back, etc. of a person 55《民法典》第四百一十一条规定“依据本法第三百九