Page 20 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 20
Size of Company Number of Employees with Foreign Passport
企业规模 in China in 2019
Slightly more than half participating compa- 超过一半以上的受访企业在华运营时间超
nies have operated in China for more than 过二十年。绝大部分企业在华的主要业务
twenty years. The primary business objective of 71 为向中国市场提供产品或服务,而非向中国市场提供
percent of participating companies was to provide 产品或服务。“立足中国,服务中国”的策略早在10多
goods or services to the Chinese market, rather 年前已被我们商会的报告所反映出来。
than manufacturing to export. This “in China, for
China” strategy was first noted by our Chamber Focus of Business Activities of Foreign-invested
more than 10 years ago. Companies in China
Operation Time in China
企业规模 in China in 2019
Slightly more than half participating compa- 超过一半以上的受访企业在华运营时间超
nies have operated in China for more than 过二十年。绝大部分企业在华的主要业务
twenty years. The primary business objective of 71 为向中国市场提供产品或服务,而非向中国市场提供
percent of participating companies was to provide 产品或服务。“立足中国,服务中国”的策略早在10多
goods or services to the Chinese market, rather 年前已被我们商会的报告所反映出来。
than manufacturing to export. This “in China, for
China” strategy was first noted by our Chamber Focus of Business Activities of Foreign-invested
more than 10 years ago. Companies in China
Operation Time in China