Page 52 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 52
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Similar to the study results in our last tariff 与上一次的调查结果相似,美国政府或中国
report, tariffs imposed by either the US or 政府征收的关税对约一半的受访企业产生
the Chinese government have exerted a negative 了负面影响,但相对而言,美国关税对受访企业产
impact on about half of the studied companies. But 生的负面影响较中国关税的大。绝大部分受贸易关
generally speaking, the US tariffs have a greater 税消极影响的受访企业表示,其受影响的业务额集
negative impact on the companies than the Chinese 中在1,000万美元以下,而受贸易纷争积极影响的
ones. Most of the companies hurt by the trade 受访企业,其受益的营业额则主要集中在100万美
tariffs indicate that their affected business volume is 元以下。
concentrated below US$10 million, while the business
volume of the respondents benefiting from the trade
dispute is mainly below US$1 million.

Impact of Tariffs on Business

Business Volume Impacted by US-China Trade Dispute in 2018

   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57