Page 49 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 49
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Chapter Five 第五章
US-China Bilateral 美中双边关系

While the vast majority of companies believe 绝大部分受访企业认为美中贸易纷争在
that the US-China trade disputes is likely 2019年有扩大的可能性,约两成受访企
to escalate in 2019, approximately 25 percent of the 业认为该可能性不大。
respondents disagree.

Escalation of US-China Trade Dispute in 2019

However, compared with our study conducted at 但相较我们在2018年9月底的问卷调查,更
the end of September 2018, more respondents 多受访企业对美中关系的前景表示乐观。
remain optimistic about the prospects of US-China 虽然对美中关系前景持“乐观”或“较为乐观”的
relations now. Although the number of companies 受访企业仍略少于三成,但持“较为悲观”或“悲
who are “optimistic” or “more optimistic” about the 观”态度的受访企业从五成减少至约两成,因此受
outlook of US-China relations takes up slightly less 访企业对美中关系前景呈两极分化的现象。有意思
than 30 percent, that of the respondents with a “more 的是,美资企业比其他外资企业对美中关系的前景
pessimistic” or “pessimistic” attitude has descended 更为乐观一些。
from 50 percent to about 20 percent. The opinions
towards the prospects of US-China relations among
the companies are polarized. Interestingly, we also
find that the American companies are more optimistic
towards the bilateral relations than their counterparts.

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