Page 47 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 47
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Even though only a small number of the 尽管只有较少一部分受访企业有在中国知识
companies have appealed a case in China’s 产权法庭处理案件的经历,大部分有该经
intellectual property rights courts, most of those with 历的受访企业认为中国知识产权法庭“很有帮助”
such experience consider the establishment of the 或“较有帮助”。
courts as “very helpful” or “somewhat helpful”.

Experience of Appealing to the IPR courts in China for A Case

Generally speaking, foreign-invested companies 2017年广东省出台的《广东省进一步扩大对
are highly familiar with the Policies and Measures 外开放积极利用外资若干政策措施》在外资
of Guangdong Province on Further Expanding Open- 企业中的熟知程度较高,外资企业普遍反映政策效
up and Actively Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, 果较好。
introduced by Guangdong Province in 2017, and its
policy effect is generally believed to be positive.

KNOWLEDGE and Evaluation of Policies and Measures of
Guangdong Province on Further Expanding Opening-up and

Actively Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

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