Page 48 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 48
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Respectively, 41 percent and 32 percent of 百分之四十一及百分之三十二的受访企
the respondents have not encountered any 业在帮助雇员申请美国商务旅游签证
difficulties in helping their employees apply for the US (B-1/B-2)或中国工作签证(R/Z)时并无遇到
visas for temporary business visits (B-1/B-2) and Chinese 任何困难。企业在帮助员工申请美国商务旅游签证
employment visas (R/Z). The most common problems 及中国工作签证最常遇到的问题皆为不知如何准备
companies face in helping their employees apply for 申请材料及审批时间较长;此外,申请费用较高或
either visa are the lack of knowledge to prepare the 因进一步行政调查而导致延迟也是企业抱怨申请两
application materials and the long approval time. In 国签证时遇到的困难。同时,企业在申请美国签证
addition, high application fees or delay due to further 时也比较担忧被拒签。
administrative investigation are the most frequent
problems companies encounter when applying for a visa
of either country. At the same time, companies are also
concerned about the frequency of applications being
denied when applying for the US visas.

Difficulties in Helping Employees Obtaining Visa

   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53