Page 43 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 43
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

comparison of Overall Business Environment in South China (2016 -2018)
华南地区整体营商环境水平对比(2016 -2018)

As in previous years, most of the companies 与往年的调查结果一致,大部分的受访企
explain that they choose South China mainly 业表示选择在华南地区发展的主要原因
because of the potential for market growth, seconded 是其具有市场增长的潜力,其次是毗邻港澳台地
by the advantage of proximity to Hong Kong, Macao, 区的优势。值得一提的是,我们发现自2016年开
and Taiwan. What is noticeable is the significant year- 始,认为在华南地区具有相对较低的总体生产成本
on-year decline in the number of the companies that 及人力资源优势而在华南地区运营的受访企业数量
regard the relatively low production costs and advan- 在逐年下降。相反,缺乏合格的人才、本地竞争激
tages of human resources as the primary reasons for 烈及人力资源成本的增加已经成为大部分受访企业
operating in the region since 2016. On the contrary, the 在华南地区发展的前三项主要挑战。该项调查结果
shortage of qualified personnel, fierce local competi- 与去年大体一致,说明这一系列的问题仍未得到很
tion, and rising labor costs are the top three concerns 好的解决。
for a majority of the companies. The study results are
consistent with those of the previous year, which im-
plies that those issues are still unresolved.

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