Page 42 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 42
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Chapter Four 第四章
Environment 虽然绝大部分受访企业依然认为华南地区的
Albeit the fact that most of the companies 境持“中立”态度的受访企业同比增加,同时认为
consider the current business environment in 华南地区营商环境“好”的受访企业同比减少。相
South China as satisfactory, those remaining “neu- 比2017年,认为华南地区营商环境在2018年有“
tral” have increased considerably year-on-year, and a 很大程度提高”或有“一定程度下降”的受访企业
significant decline occurs in the number of companies 同时增加,总体上说认为华南地区营商环境水平在
rating the environment as “good”. On the other hand, 2018年有所提升的受访企业人数出现轻微减少。
the number of companies that believe the business 这表明华南地区的营商环境在新的一年仍然有很大
environment of South China has “greatly improved” 的改善空间。
or “somewhat decreased”, compared with 2017, has
increased at the same time. However, those who rate
the business environment in South China as “upgrad-
ing” have dropped slightly, which implies room for
improvement on South China’s business environment
in the upcoming year.

Current Business Environment in South China (2016-2018)
华南地区整体营商环境现状对比(2016 -2018)

   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47