Page 40 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 40
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Like last year’s result, among all the cities in 在中国大陆的所有城市中,最受受访企业
Mainland China, the most favored reinvestment 青睐的热门投资地依旧是中国的一线城
destinations by companies are China’s top-tier cities – 市——北上广深。广州连续第二年在我们的调查
Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Beijing. This is 中被受访企业列为最受欢迎的投资目的地,其次是
the second consecutive year that Guangzhou ranks the 上海。
most popular city for investment in China in our study,
followed by Shanghai.


Referring to the future expansion in the next 绝大部分的受访企业在未来三年有在华扩张
three years, a vast majority of the respondents 的计划,同比增长百分之四。但是对在
plan to expand in China, a year-on-year increase of four 华南地区内的自贸区设立新的办公室或服务点感兴
percent. However, the number of the companies that 趣的受访企业同比下降了百分之六,其中仅南沙自
are interested in opening new offices or facilities in the 贸区及横琴自贸区对受访企业的吸引力同比有一定
free trade zones located in South China has witnessed 增长。
a six-percent decrease from a year earlier. Among all
the free trade zones in the region, only Nansha Free Expansion Plan in China in the
Trade Zone and Hengqing Free Trade Zone appear to Next Three Years
be more attractive for our respondents. 未来三年在华扩张计划

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