Page 34 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 34
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Reasons for Increasing Annual Investment in China or Shifting
Investment from Other Markets to China in 2018 Compared with 2017


However, it is also worth noting that the 但同样值得注意的是,大部分企业在华连续
continued reinvestment in China doesn’t mean 再投资并不意味着企业没有同时进行投资
that there is no shift of reinvestment. Almost two fifths 转移。近百分之四十的受访企业承认他们在2018
of the respondents admit that their companies have 年有将转移再投资到其他目的地,其中,百分之四
shifted some reinvestment to other markets in 2018. 十四的外资企业及百分之三十的中资企业分别表示
Among all the foreign-invested companies, 44 percent 他们有将再投资转移到其他地方。中国以外的亚洲
admit that they have shifted some reinvestment from 市场是他们转移再投资的首选,而导致他们转移投
China to other places. When it comes to their Chinese 资的首要原因为在华运营成本的上涨,其次是可用
counterparts, 30 percent present the same answer. 资本的增加。
Asian countries other than China are the most popular
reinvestment destinations. The primary reason for their
shifted reinvestment is the rising operation cost in
China, followed by the increase of available capital.

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