Page 36 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 36
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Reasons for Lowering Annual Investment in China or Shifting
Investment to Other Markets in 2018 Compared with 2017

Almost 80 percent of the respondents claim that 近八成受访企业表示他们将在2019年继续
they will reinvest in China in 2019, a three- 在华进行再投资,相比2018年有在华进
percent drop compared with the number of compa- 行实际再投资的受访企业数量减少百分之三。与往
nies making actual reinvestment in 2018. Similar to 年一致,大部分受访企业2019年在华再投资预算
the research results in the past few years, most of the 将集中在较低额度(即1000万美元以下),但计
companies plan to reinvest with a low quota (below 划中高额度投资的企业比例略有攀升。
US$10 million); however, the number of the companies
with medium-and-high-budget reinvestment in China
in 2019 increases slightly year-on-year.

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