Page 33 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 33
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Meanwhile, slightly more companies report that 同时,受访企业2018年在华再投资额同比
their reinvestment quota in China in 2018 has 略有增加,只有不足一成受访企业表示其
increased compared with that of 2017, while less than 2018年在华再投资额同比有所减少。刺激企业增
10 percent of the respondents indicate a reduction in 加投资或转移投资到中国的首要原因是中国市场的
their reinvestment in China year-on-year. The primary 增长潜力,其次为政策利好及可用资本增加,这与
reason for the companies to increase reinvestment in 我们近年《特别报告》调查的观察相符。虽然中国
China, or shift investment from other places to China, is 经济增长速度放缓,但是中国市场仍在持续增长阶
the potential growth of the Chinese market, seconded 段,因而大部分企业均能在华实现盈利,且对市场
by preferential policies and available capital. This trend 抱有信心。那么,他们利用在华盈利及政策利好在
is in line with our observations in our recent Special 华进行再投资亦不足为奇。
Reports. Though China’s economic growth has slowed
down, its market is witnessing continuous growth.
Therefore, most of the companies are able to realize
profitability in China and remain confident in China’s
economic outlook. It is no wonder that they continue
to utilize their profits from China, take advantage of
the preferential policies, and reinvest in China.

comparison of Change of Reinvestment in China (2016-2018)

   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38