Page 30 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 30
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

China’s Ranking in Companies’ Global Investment Plans

(by companies of different origins)


Generally speaking, the actual reinvestment in 总体而言,2018年在华实际再投资情况与去
China in 2018 is basically the same as predicted 年调查情况相似,对比2017年实际再投资
in last year’s research result. Compared with the 情况,2018年更多受访企业表示有在华再投资。
previous year, more companies claim that they have
reinvested in China in 2018. 今年的问卷调查显示,2018年投资额度少于
This year’s studied shows the number of 次是投资额度在1,000万美元至5,000万美元的企业
companies that have reinvested less than US$1 million 同比减少百分之九;再次是高投资(超2.5亿美元)
in China in 2018 declines dramatically with a decrease 的受访企业同比减少百分之四。
of 18 percent compared with 2017. We have also
witnessed a nine-percent decrease year-on-year of
the number of companies with a reinvestment quota
between US$10 million and US$50 million, which
is followed by a four-percent smaller proportion of
the respondents that have realized high-volume
reinvestment (more than US$250 million) with a four-
percent drop.

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