Page 29 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 29
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Chapter Three 第三章
Trends 虽然中国几乎是所有受访企业的最青睐全球
Although China is one of the most popular 外资企业的投资首选。在本次调查中,约一半受访
investment destinations among almost all the 企业依然认为中国是其全球投资计划中的首位,但
respondents, it is not the number one priority in most 是将中国作为企业全球前三重要投资地的比例同比
foreign-invested companies’ global investment plans. 略有下降。
Roughly half of the respondents consider China as the
top spot in their global investment plans in this year’s
study. Slightly fewer companies list China in the top
three priorities of their plans compared with 2017.

China’s Ranking in Companies’ Global Investment Plans (by companies of all origins)

   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34