Page 25 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 25
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

comparison of Change of Revenue in China (2018/2017 vs 2017/2016)

Similar to our research last year, only 10 percent of 与往年调查结果相似,只有约一成受访企业
the companies claim that they haven’t reached 表示他们尚未在华获得盈利。近半已获得
profitability in China. However, roughly half of those 盈利的受访企业表示其盈利水平未达预期,该比例
companies that have been profitable report that the 同比上升百分之十。同期相比,预计能在短时间内
profitability doesn't meet their budget expectations, 实现盈利的企业大幅减少;绝大多数企业表示预计
an increase of 10 percent year-on-year. Compared with 实现盈利的时间为两年,约两成受访企业表其预计
2017, fewer companies expect to reach profitability in 实现盈利时间将超过三年。
a short period of time. While an overwhelming majority
of the respondents expect their companies to be
profitable in two years, around 20 percent assume that
it will take more than three years to become profitable.

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