Page 27 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 27
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Most of the companies report that their 绝大部分受访企业认为在华投资总体回报率
overall return on investment in China is 仍为正值;同时,大部分企业认为相比全
positive. Compared with their global overall return 球投资总体回报率,其在华投资总体回报率更高。
on investment, a majority of the respondents 大部分企业对中国市场的增长仍保持乐观的态度,
consider their overall return on investment in China 但该比例较去年同期相比减少了百分之六。
to be higher. Though most of the companies remain
optimistic towards the business outlook in China, we
have witnessed a six-percent decrease of those who
are optimistic about China’s market growth.

Overall Return on Investment in China

   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32