Page 23 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 23
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Chapter Two 第二章
Revenue and 收入与利润

Compared with the past two years, companies 对比前两年,受访企业2018年全球年度总收
see very slight fluctuations in the global 入与在华年度总收入呈现轻微的波动。近
annual revenue and annual revenue in China in 四成企业超过百分之六十的全球收入来自中国,同比
2018. Nearly 40 percent of the companies gain more 上升十五个百分点;同时,更多受访企业在华收入占
than 60 percent of revenue from China, an increase 全球年收入比例同比上升,但与外资企业相比,更多
of 15 percent from a year earlier; meanwhile, more 的中资企业的在华收入呈现同比下降趋势。
companies report that the percentage of their global
annual revenue from China has increased compared
with 2017. However, compared with their foreign
counterparts, more Chinese companies report that
their annual revenue in China has witnessed a year-on-
year drop.

comparison of Global Annual Revenue (2016-2018)

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