Page 20 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 20
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Meanwhile, more than half of all the 同时,超过半数以上的企业在华运营时间超
respondents have operated in China for 过十年,其中超过三成在华运营超过二十
more than ten years, among which one third have 年。近八成受访企业的主营业务为向中国市场提供
experience of operation in China for more than twenty 产品或服务。该结果与往年大体一致。
years. Almost 80 percent of the companies report that
their business priority is to provide goods or services to
the Chinese market, which is consistent with the results
in previous years.

Operating Time in China Business Priority in China
在华运营时间 在华主营业务

Small and middle-size companies with no more 一半以上的受访企业为雇员人数不超过250
than 250 employees account for half of all the 人的中小企业,约三成为雇员人数超
respondents, while one third are large-size companies 1,000人的大型企业。超过一半受访企业表示其外
with more than 1,000 employees. Only half of the 籍雇员人数超过五人。虽然去年中国经济增长放
respondents have more than five foreign employees. 缓至近三十年新低,但几乎所有受访企业均表示在
Although the Chinese economy grew at its slowest 2018年有雇佣新员工,其中超过一半企业在2018
pace in nearly three decades last year, almost all the 年的雇员人数在50人以下。近六成受访企业表示,
participating companies report that they have hired 其雇员数量相比2017年有所增加,仅约一成受访
new employees, among which a half of them have 企业表示其雇员数量减少。
employed fewer than 50 staff. Nevertheless, more than
60 percent of the respondents claim that 2018 has
witnessed year-on-year employment growth in their
companies, and only approximately 10 percent of the
companies have decreased their employment.

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