Page 18 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 18
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Foreign-invested companies and local Chinese 在本次问卷调查中,外资及中资的企业类型
companies occupy half of the respondents 约各占一半,超三成为外商独资企业,约
respectively in this year’s research. While more than 五分一为中外合资及外资企业办公室。从企业背景
30 percent are wholly foreign-owned companies, 上看,约四分之一有美国背景,近一半为中国企业
around one fifth of them are joint ventures and 背景,其余的来自欧洲国家及其他国家。
representation offices of foreign companies. Regarding
the background of companies, while one fourth of all
the respondents originate from the US, half are from
Mainland China and the rest from other countries.

Forms of Legal Entity

Origin of Company

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