Page 19 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 19
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Most of the companies have established their 大部分企业在华南地区运营的总部或主要办
headquarters or main operation offices in 公室设立在广州及深圳。超过八成的企业
Guangzhou or Shenzhen. More than 80 percent of 在华南地区以外设立办公室,地点主要聚集在长三
the respondents have established regional offices 角地区及华北地区。
outside South China, mainly in Yangtze River Delta and
northern part of China.

Locations of Headquarters or
Main Operation Offices in South China

Locations of Other Regional Offices in China
(Outside South China)


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