Page 16 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 16
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Chapter One 第一章
Demographics 受访企业组成

From December 5, 2018 to January 5, 2019, the 2018年12月5日至2019年1月5日,华南美
American Chamber of Commerce in South China 国商会通过简单随机抽样邀请相关企业参加
conducted its 13th annual study of companies with 2019年华南地区经济情况问卷调查,并最终回收了
established operations in China through simple random 256份问卷。为确保数据的高效完整性,我们最终采
sampling. While 256 companies participated in the 用240家企业提供的有效问卷。由于该问卷调查是在
study in total, questionnaires of 240 companies were 美中两国宣布短暂停战90日后进行的,它同时也反
finally adopted to ensure a high degree of data integrity. 映了美中贸易纷争对华南地区企业运营的影响。
As this research was conducted shortly after the US
and China announced a temporary 90-day ceasefire to 总体而言,今年参加调查的企业与往年的受访企
deescalate the trade tension between the two countries, 业大体一致,能代表华南美国商会会员企业在华发展
it sheds light on the influence of the trade dispute on 的真实情况。受访企业来自各行各业,涵盖了几乎所
the operation of business in South China. 有经济领域,其中大部分受访企业在华南地区设立营
In general, the demographics of participating 的大型企业。从企业类型上看,既有美资及欧资企业
companies are similar to previous years, and the 的独资企业,也有来自其他国家及地区的外资企业及
findings of the research depict a general picture of 合资企业,更有本土的中资企业。
the economic development of companies in South
China. The study participants come from all walks 为更好地体现中国的经济环境及受访企业在华的
of life, representing a broad range of companies by 发展趋势,我们将受访企业所属行业大致分为:第一
industry, most of which are either headquartered or 及第二产业、消费产品及服务、专业服务及其他服务
have located their main offices in South China. We see 及机构等。超过一半的企业从事专业性服务,约百分
companies of all sizes, from those with fewer than 250 之三十的受访企业从事第一及第二产业,约两成从事
employees to those with more than a thousand. We 消费品产品及服务。
also have companies of different legal entities includ-
ing wholly US or European-owned companies, other
foreign-owned companies or joint ventures funded
by other countries and regions, as well as Mainland
Chinese companies.

To better reflect the present general economic
situation, we classify the industry of participating
companies into primary and secondary sectors,
consumption products and services, professional
services, as well as other services and organizations.
While more than a half are engaged in professional
services, nearly 30 percent are in primary and
secondary sectors, and around 20 percent in
consumption products and services.

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