Page 12 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 12
Key Takeaways 关键要点

Almost all respondents report that they are 大部分受访企业已在华获得盈利,其在华的
profitable in China, and their overall return on 投资回报率相比全球投资回报率更高,因
investment in China is higher than their global overall 此对中国市场的增长仍保持乐观的态度;但同时,
return on investment. Therefore, most remain optimistic 能在短时间内迅速实现盈利的受访企业大幅减少。
towards the business outlook in China. However, fewer
companies expect to become profitable in a short pe- 虽然2018年中国市场存在许多负面消息,但我
riod of time than the last few years. 们受访企业的再投资数据表明企业并没有大面积地撤
Albeit there were many negative news stories 同时,大部分的受访企业表示他们企业的雇员人数同
about the Chinese market in 2018, the reinvestment 比有所攀升。我们也发现,企业在增加在华投资的同
statistics of the companies in our study indicate that 时,仍有一部分企业正将再投资转移到其他国家,其
they have not withdrawn from the Chinese market on 中最重要的原因为中国运营成本的上涨。
a large scale, and they still have a strong interest in
investing in China. This is mainly because of the growing 受访企业普遍对华南地区营商环境表示满意,对
potential of the Chinese market and its relatively high 粤港澳大湾区未来发展持积极乐观的态度,但值得注
return on investment. Meanwhile, more than a half 意的是总体生产成本上升、人力资源成本上涨及合格
of the respondents witness year-on-year growth of 人才的匮乏已逐渐成为制约华南地区进一步发展的重
employment in their companies in 2018. We also find 要因素。
that while increasing reinvestment in China, some of
the companies have shifted some reinvestment to other 受访企业对美中关系前景的展望呈现两极分化的
countries. The primary reason is the increased operating 趋势,大部分受访企业认为美中两国的纷争在2019
costs in China. 年有进一步扩大的可能。由于美中贸易摩擦已持续一
Generally speaking, the business environment 迄今为止两国贸易关税给企业带来的负面影响比正面
in South China is good, and the future development 影响大,约三成受访企业因此而丢失市场份额。大部
of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 分受访企业均利用美中两国90天“休战期”调整企
is considered positive among the companies. What is 业发展战略,积极应对贸易纷争带来的不稳定因素。
worth noticing is that increasing production costs, rising
labor costs, and shortage of qualified personnel have
been constraints on South China’s further development.

Even though the opinion of participating com-
panies appear polarized concerning the prospect of
the US-China relationship, most of the respondents
believe that the dispute between the US and China
may be further expanded in 2019. As the US-China
trade friction has been going on for some time, the
companies participating in our study expect that the
impact of the dispute on enterprises will continue. So
far, the negative impact of combined tariffs on compa-
nies has exceeded the positive impact. Approximately
30 percent of the respondents have lost market share
due to the imposed tariffs. Most of the companies have
taken advantage of the 90-day truce between the US
and China to adjust their development strategies and
actively respond to the uncertainties brought by the
trade disputes.

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