Page 18 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 18
Loss of Market Share and 市场份额的损失及国际竞争
International Competition

Nearly a half of the respondents 近半数受访企业表示,受贸易战的影
report that they have lost markets to 响,其市场已被其他国家的企业抢
companies from other countries due to the 占。在所有受访企业中,美国企业遭受的打
trade war. Among all the surveyed companies, 击最为严重。与此同时,与农业及其相关产
U.S. companies are the ones that have been 业的企业相比,损失市场份额的制造业企业
hit hardest. Meanwhile, manufacturing 要高出13%。
companies are suffering more losses of
market share than those in agribusiness with
a 13 percent more respondents.

Loss of Market Share to Companies from Other Countries Due to Trade Dispute

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