Page 22 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 22
Reactions and Development


Immediate Reaction 当下反应

With regard to reactions to the recent 关于对最近美中关税的反应,大约
combined tariffs, approximately 40%的受访企业,无论是美国企
40 percent of the respondents, either the 业还是中国企业,都倾向于扩大中国市场或
U.S. or Chinese companies, prefer to expand 其他国际市场,而非美国市场。同样,相比
the Chinese market or other international 对美国的进出口,更多的受访企业不愿减少
markets instead of the U.S one. Similarly, 对中国的进出口。约三分之一的受访企业则
more respondents are reluctant to reduce 与客户共同承担关税、对进出口货物进行价
imports and exports with China than with 格调整及对供应商进行重新布局;就上述方
the U.S. Around one third of the respondents 面而言,美国企业采取行动更为积极,中国
share the imposed tariffs with their clients, 企业略显被动。据调查结果,仅少数企业计
adjust the price for import and export 划或已申请关税豁免,以减轻负担。
goods, and readjust their suppliers; while
the U.S. companies are more active in taking 农业相关行业、制造业及批发零售业对美
actions in the above fields, their Chinese 中关税的反应大致相同。制造业、批发零售业
counterparts are somewhat passive to do so. 在扩大中国及其他国际市场方面发挥了积极作
So far as we know, few companies plan to or 用,同时,从事农业及其相关行业和制造业的
have applied for tariff exemptions to lighten 受访企业中近半专注于调整其供应链。
their burden.

The reactions towards the combined
tariffs among agriculture-related sector,
manufacturing, and whole sale and retail are
more or less the same. While the manufac-
turing and wholesale and retail sectors take
an active role in expanding the Chinese and
other international markets, nearly half of
the studied companies engaged in agribusi-
ness and manufacturing focus on readjust-
ing their supply chain.

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