Page 14 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 14
act on Business Operation 对业务运营的影响

Nearly 80 percent of the respondents 近80%的受访企业遭受了美中两国
have experienced serious impact or 关税对多重业务的严重影响或负面
negative impact of the combined tariffs on 影响。美国关税带来的负面影响比中国关税
various business operations. The negative 带来的负面影响更为严重。约85%的美国企
consequences brought by the U.S. tariffs are 业遭受两国关税重创,约70%的中国企业也
slightly more impactful than the Chinese ones. 受同样影响。值得注意的是,来自其他国家
While around 85 percent of U.S. companies 的企业与美国企业有着相同的感受。
have been suffering trauma from the combined
tariffs, approximately 70 percent of their 受美国关税影响,受访企业在其业务运营
Chinese counterparts receive the same impact. 中遇到的最大问题是销售成本上升(86%)及
What is also worth noting is that companies 其导致的利润减少(85%)。其他问题包括
from other countries share the similar feeling 产品销售价格上涨(84%)、采购管理困难
with their American counterparts. 和相关成本上升(83%)及销量下降(82%)。
Among all the difficulties companies studied 心销量下降及利润减少。 受访企业共同关
confront in their business operation due to the 注的其他主要问题是收入减少(81%)及产
U.S. tariffs, the top concern is the rising cost 品销售价格上涨(80%)。
of goods sold (86 percent), which results in
reduced profits (85 percent). Other concerns 关于对不同行业的影响,批发和零售行
are increased sales price of the products (84 业的所有受访企业均表示其受美国关税影响
percent), difficulties in managing procurements 遭受利润减少;所有从事农业相关行业的受
and rise of associated costs (83 percent), and 访企业均表示其采购管理遭难、相关成本上
reduced sales volume (82 percent). Similarly, 升及利润减少。
82 percent of companies surveyed are
concerned with the reduced sales volume
and profit because of the tariffs imposed by
the Chinese government. Other top concerns
experienced and shared by the respondents
are reduced revenue (81 percent), and
increased sales price of the products (80 percent).

Regarding the impact on different industries,
all of the respondents in wholesale and retail
sector report that they have suffered reduced
profits due to the U.S. tariffs, while all the
companies surveyed engaged in agriculture-
related business note that they have experienced
difficulties in managing procurements and rise of
associated costs, as well as reduced profit.

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