Page 16 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 16
Challenges on BusinessVolume
and Market Share


Loss of Business Volume 营业额损失

Despite the fact that nearly two fifths 尽管近五分之二的受访企业仍不确定
of the respondents are still not sure 到目前为止其营业额所受的负面影
of the negative impact on their business 响,但有三分之一的受访企业声称其业务额
volume so far, one third of the companies 所受的负面影响在100万美元至5000万美元
studied claim that the negative impact on 之间。美国企业似乎损失最大,同时,中国
their business volume is between US$1 企业的营业额损失多低于1000万美元。虽
million and US$50 million. While the U.S. 然批发及零售业受访企业中有一半经历了低
companies seem to be the ones that suffer 额商业亏损(低于1000万美元),但近十
the most losses, the loss of business volume 分之一的制造业受访企业遭遇了2.5亿美元
of their Chinese counterparts is mainly 或更多的高额亏损;与此同时,农业受访企
below US$10 million. While half of the 业中近五分之四分别遭遇中低额亏损。
surveyed companies in the wholesale and
retail sector experience low-volume business
losses (below US$10 million), nearly one
tenth of the manufacturing sector witness
high-volume business losses of US$250
million or more; meanwhile, nearly four fifths
of the companies studied in agribusiness
suffer either low or medium-volume
business losses respectively.

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