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contributing CNY 362.8 billion regional end related industry policy sources,
annual tax revenue. It has become a takes the construction of science and
"national financial management center" technology service industry (1) meeting
integrating decision-making supervision, the requirements of science and
asset management, payment and technology development as the link,
settlement, information exchange, and focuses on the layout of 5 "hard science
standard formulation. and technology" frontier industries, i.e.
new material, life and health, intelligent
Located in the plain area in the south information and precision instrument,
of Changping District, Future Science City space and earth exploration, energy
adopts a layout pattern of "Two Zones conservation and environmental
and One Center". In particular, "Two protection, and simultaneously incubates
Zones" refers to the main supporting and cultivates future leading industries
areas of the Future Science City, i.e. (X).At present, Huairou Science City is
East Zone and the West Zone, which speeding up the formation of a "1 + 5 +
are used as a base to build a research, X" industrial system, actively introducing
development and innovation community technology-based enterprises and their
with complete functions and suitable for R&D links for centralized development,
both living and working; "One Center" and building a service system to promote
refers to the Ecological Green Center that the accelerated transformation of
connects the East Zone and the West scientific and technological achievements.
Zone and contributes the construction
of an eco-friendly development pattern In September 2020, at the China
featured by beautiful environment and International Fair for Trade in Services,
river-city harmony. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the
Communist Party of China Central
Huairou Science City is based Committee pledged support for
on breakthroughs in cutting-edge Beijing to develop a pilot free trade
technologies such as key core technology zone featuring technology innovation,
and disruptive technology led by the opening-up of the services sector, and
five scientific directions and the linkage digital economy. On September 21, 2020,
of cutting-edge technology and high- the State Council released the master

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