P. 35
GC), United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), and Principles
for Responsible Investment (PRI). UN
Business Arena will hold its inaugural
event in 2024.

Upon the conclusion of the meetings, Dr. Harley Seyedin,Winner of Oslo Business for Peace Award,
Henrik Friis de Magalhães e Meneses, President of AmCham South China
Head of Secretariat of UN Business
Arena said, “We are thrilled to announce world. Connect with us to stay updated on our
the successful completion of the High- initiatives, engage in meaningful discussions,
Level Meeting of the UN Business and collaborate on transformative projects. Let's
Arena, where global leaders came build a better world together,” de Magalhães e
together to ignite collaborative action Meneses added.
and determine the thematic focus for
the UN Business Arena ahead of its As a former Oslo Business for Peace Award
inaugural event in 2024.” winner, Dr. Harley Seyedin reported on the
decisions of his breakout group on energy
De Magalhães e Meneses said the newly formed conversation and climate change. His group
UN organization desires to be a passionate proposed a plan to be promoted jointly by
advocate for a better world. “We believe in all stakeholders as a unified approach by
the power of collaboration, innovation, and all countries to achieve carbon neutrality by
collective action to drive transformative change 2050. At the meeting Dr. Seyedin presented
for peace and sustainable development. Our the views of many individuals he had solicited
community is made up of diverse individuals, prior to the meeting.
including businesses, governments, and civil
society organizations, who share a common An Award Committee of Nobel Laureates
vision: to create a more equitable, resilient, and in peace and economics selects the Oslo
sustainable future. Together, we are redefining Business for Peace Award recipients. The
the role of the private sector in shaping the task of appointing a new member to the
global agenda. Through our unique approach, Award committee has been given to former
we facilitate open business diplomacy, advocate Swedish prime minister Göran Persson, former
for responsible investment, promote sustainable Norwegian prime minister Kjell Magne Bondevik,
energy solutions, champion sustainable food and the former director of the Peace Research
systems, and foster peace and dialogue. We Institute Oslo (PRIO) Kristian Berg Harpviken.
believe that by aligning the interests and
expertise of diverse stakeholders, we can create
a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable

Mr. Henrik Friis de Magalhães e Meneses, Head of Secretariat of UN The discussions were inspiring, shedding light on
Business Arena (Left), Ms. Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General, the crucial role of the private sector in creating
positive change. Dr. Seyedin said that with
United Nations Global Compact(Right) the support of the UN system and the private
sector, the UN Business Arena will provide a
great impetus for transformative changes and
will serve as a crucial platform for multilateral
exchanges. This collaboration will contribute to
the cause of sustainability and peace.

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