P. 36
“Two Zones”of
In September 2020, at the China The Integrated National Demonstration
International Fair for Trade in Services, Xi Zone for Opening Up the Services Sector
Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist covers the entire capital city. Centering
Party of China Central Committee, pledged on industrial opening-up, it sets focus on
to support for Beijing to develop the nine areas of technology, financial services,
Integrated National Demonstration Zone for culture and tourism, education, commerce,
Opening Up the Services Sector, where new digital economy, health and medical care,
policies will be piloted and more replicable aviation services and specialized services
practices explored, so that Beijing could to advance reform, optimize the economic
better play its role in spearheading the structure and promote high-quality
opening-up of China’s services sector. development of the services sector.
In 2015, the State Council approved the ZPark, located in Haidian District in
master plan for Beijing’s comprehensive Beijing, covers an area of 2.6 square
pilot program for opening up the services kilometers for two phases. It is a high-end
sector, making Beijing the first city in China professional park for the new generation
to experiment opening-up of the services of information technology industry in the
sector. After five years of exploration, more Zhongguancun Science Park and a core
than 100 institutional innovations have area in Beijing's efforts to build a world-
been achieved, and 25 reform policies have class software city. It is a most distinctive
been promoted nationwide in six batches. professional park and the attractive brand
In 2020, the State Council approved the nationwide, a window to show China's
work plan for continuing Beijing’s latest achievements from the implementation
round of comprehensive pilot program for of the innovation-driven strategy system,
opening up the services sector and building a key node for international cooperation
the Integrated National Demonstration and technology transfer, and an important
Zone for Opening Up the Services Sector, source of science and technologies that
upgrading the pilot program into a bring benefits to people's lives.
demonstration zone, and making Beijing
the first Chinese city to have an integrated Located in the core area of the capital,
demonstration zone for opening up the Beijing Financial Street has a construction
services sector. As the pioneer, Beijing area of more than 4 million square meters
shoulders the responsibility of exploring and is home to 1,800 financial institutions,
new paths for the opening up and including "one bank and two commissions"
reform of the services sector nationwide, (the People's Bank of China, the China
accumulating experience for integrated Banking and Insurance Regulatory
development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Commission, and the China Securities
region, and gathering more momentum for Regulatory Commission), managing nearly
the capital city’s high-quality development. 40% of the country's financial assets,
“Two Zones”of
In September 2020, at the China The Integrated National Demonstration
International Fair for Trade in Services, Xi Zone for Opening Up the Services Sector
Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist covers the entire capital city. Centering
Party of China Central Committee, pledged on industrial opening-up, it sets focus on
to support for Beijing to develop the nine areas of technology, financial services,
Integrated National Demonstration Zone for culture and tourism, education, commerce,
Opening Up the Services Sector, where new digital economy, health and medical care,
policies will be piloted and more replicable aviation services and specialized services
practices explored, so that Beijing could to advance reform, optimize the economic
better play its role in spearheading the structure and promote high-quality
opening-up of China’s services sector. development of the services sector.
In 2015, the State Council approved the ZPark, located in Haidian District in
master plan for Beijing’s comprehensive Beijing, covers an area of 2.6 square
pilot program for opening up the services kilometers for two phases. It is a high-end
sector, making Beijing the first city in China professional park for the new generation
to experiment opening-up of the services of information technology industry in the
sector. After five years of exploration, more Zhongguancun Science Park and a core
than 100 institutional innovations have area in Beijing's efforts to build a world-
been achieved, and 25 reform policies have class software city. It is a most distinctive
been promoted nationwide in six batches. professional park and the attractive brand
In 2020, the State Council approved the nationwide, a window to show China's
work plan for continuing Beijing’s latest achievements from the implementation
round of comprehensive pilot program for of the innovation-driven strategy system,
opening up the services sector and building a key node for international cooperation
the Integrated National Demonstration and technology transfer, and an important
Zone for Opening Up the Services Sector, source of science and technologies that
upgrading the pilot program into a bring benefits to people's lives.
demonstration zone, and making Beijing
the first Chinese city to have an integrated Located in the core area of the capital,
demonstration zone for opening up the Beijing Financial Street has a construction
services sector. As the pioneer, Beijing area of more than 4 million square meters
shoulders the responsibility of exploring and is home to 1,800 financial institutions,
new paths for the opening up and including "one bank and two commissions"
reform of the services sector nationwide, (the People's Bank of China, the China
accumulating experience for integrated Banking and Insurance Regulatory
development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Commission, and the China Securities
region, and gathering more momentum for Regulatory Commission), managing nearly
the capital city’s high-quality development. 40% of the country's financial assets,