P. 30

Chlor-alkali Hydrogen Production Equipment

Hongda Xingye Becomes an purity hydrogen and ultra-pure hydrogen. With
Important Member of the the breakthrough of "zero" in China's civil liquid
International Hydrogen Industry hydrogen industry, Hongda Xingye's hydrogen
energy sector has entered the international field of
Hongda Xingye is an enterprise with 70 years vision for the first time.
of chlor alkali production history, with
four industrial systems of "Hydrogen Energy, Hongda Xingye Cooperates with
Environmental Protection, New Materials and Asahi Kasei Corporation
Exchange". The founder of the business, Mr. Zhou
Yifeng, is the president of Guangdong Chaoshan Hongda Xingye has a good cooperative
Chamber of Commerce, he is also a doctoral student relationship with Asahi Kasei Corporation,
of Applied Economics in the school of economics a large integrated chemical company in Japan,
and management of Tsinghua University, the most in the field of chlor-alkali hydrogen production
famous university in China. From the long-term technology and equipment. In February 2020,
perspective of energy revolution, he decided to start Hongda Xingye and Asahi Kasei Corporation signed
the pace of transition to hydrogen energy. an agreement on Chlor-Alkali Hydrogen Production
and a Contract for an annual production of 300,000
Hydrogen itself is the product and raw material of tons of large-scale electrolysis plant with ion
chlor alkali industry. Hydrogen production from exchange membrane method. The cooperation
chlor alkali has the characteristics of low cost and between the two parts has greatly improved the
high purity. It is currently recognized as the best hydrogen production capacity of Hongda Xingye
hydrogen source for the development of hydrogen and accelerated the development of chlor-alkali
fuel cell vehicles. After several years of exploration, hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, hydrogen
Hongda Xingye has successively realized the transportation and hydrogen energy application
hydrogen storage in gaseous, solid and liquid state. industrialization. Hongda Xingye has significantly
On the basis of the annual production capacity of enhanced its market competitiveness in terms
1 million tons of chlor-alkali, the hydrogen energy of hydrogen production and quality since the
production capacity has also reached 560 million installation of the device delivered by Asahi Kasei
cubic meters per year. Corporation.

On April 28, 2020, China's first civil liquid hydrogen Hongda Xingye's First Hydrogen Refueling Station in Inner
production line invested and constructed by Mongolia
Hongda Xingye was successfully put into operation
in Inner Mongolia, producing liquid hydrogen, high

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