P. 26
Chamber of Commerce Spring Festival Friendship cum Ou
Yue Business School Unveiling Ceremony
Guangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce hosted the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Chinese-
Foreign Chamber of Commerce Spring Festival Friendship cum Ou Yue Business School Unveiling
Ceremony on January 7. AmCham president Dr. Harley Seyedin attended the ceremony and delivered a
speech. He gave a short but clear introduction of AmCham and its member companies, and spoke highly
of Guangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce’s contribution towards strengthening the economic and
cultural exchanges between Chinese companies and foreign enterprises.
14th Five Year Plan Longgui Guangdong Commerce
Street Forum Roundtable
People’s Government of Baiyun District, Guangdong Provincial Department of
Guangzhou hosted the “14th Five Year” Commerce invited AmCham president
Cooperative Development Forum on January Dr. Harley Seyedin and representatives from
9, and invited AmCham president Dr. Harley multinational companies to attend the roundtable
Seyedin, along with representatives from key about the Fourteenth Five Year Plan on January
contracted enterprises, to attend. The Longgui 11. Director General of Department of Commerce
Street investment promotion video was released, of Guangdong Province Mr. Zhang Jingsong first
which showed the huge potential and strong briefly introduced 10 strategic pillar industry
competitiveness of Longgui county and Baiyun. clusters and 10 strategic emerging industry
Harley later delivered a speech, in which he clusters. He also emphasized the importance of
mentioned some key takeaways of the Mid-Year new infrastructure construction and full support
Special Report on the State of Business in South for foreign investment. AmCham president
China, a study conducted by AmCham. Harley Harley Seyedin later delivered a speech, in which
stated that Guangzhou remained an attractive he appreciated the guidance and support from
investment destination for all companies, Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce,
especially those wanting to grab a share of the as well as briefed on the current operation
booming economy. situation and reinvestment plan of member
companies. Dr. Harley was confident that an
23 AMCHAM SOUTH CHINA overwhelming majority of AmCham’s member
enterprises would reinvest in Guangdong.
Chamber of Commerce Spring Festival Friendship cum Ou
Yue Business School Unveiling Ceremony
Guangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce hosted the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Chinese-
Foreign Chamber of Commerce Spring Festival Friendship cum Ou Yue Business School Unveiling
Ceremony on January 7. AmCham president Dr. Harley Seyedin attended the ceremony and delivered a
speech. He gave a short but clear introduction of AmCham and its member companies, and spoke highly
of Guangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce’s contribution towards strengthening the economic and
cultural exchanges between Chinese companies and foreign enterprises.
14th Five Year Plan Longgui Guangdong Commerce
Street Forum Roundtable
People’s Government of Baiyun District, Guangdong Provincial Department of
Guangzhou hosted the “14th Five Year” Commerce invited AmCham president
Cooperative Development Forum on January Dr. Harley Seyedin and representatives from
9, and invited AmCham president Dr. Harley multinational companies to attend the roundtable
Seyedin, along with representatives from key about the Fourteenth Five Year Plan on January
contracted enterprises, to attend. The Longgui 11. Director General of Department of Commerce
Street investment promotion video was released, of Guangdong Province Mr. Zhang Jingsong first
which showed the huge potential and strong briefly introduced 10 strategic pillar industry
competitiveness of Longgui county and Baiyun. clusters and 10 strategic emerging industry
Harley later delivered a speech, in which he clusters. He also emphasized the importance of
mentioned some key takeaways of the Mid-Year new infrastructure construction and full support
Special Report on the State of Business in South for foreign investment. AmCham president
China, a study conducted by AmCham. Harley Harley Seyedin later delivered a speech, in which
stated that Guangzhou remained an attractive he appreciated the guidance and support from
investment destination for all companies, Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce,
especially those wanting to grab a share of the as well as briefed on the current operation
booming economy. situation and reinvestment plan of member
companies. Dr. Harley was confident that an
23 AMCHAM SOUTH CHINA overwhelming majority of AmCham’s member
enterprises would reinvest in Guangdong.